Wigs Word of God Today 6-6-2013
Exult God as the One and Only to worship in prayer as well as service in charity.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. Mark 12: 30-31
Tobit 6:11; 7:1, 9-14; 8:4-7, Psalm 128 & Mark 12:28-34
The Scribes asked in hopes to understand the Truth as much as to trip the Son of Man up. Was Jesus really the Messiah, the Holy One of God? The Scribes understood the Law of Moses and acted as the interpreters of the law in the Jewish Synagogues as well as the recorders of the day keeping track of financials as much as the law they tried to fully understand. The Scribe asked what we all feel is the way we should react to all mankind utilizing faith, hope and love to exult God as the One and Only to worship in prayer as well as service in charity.
We give our all to God then we give our all to the joy God intends for our hearts. You can feel it in the sigh you exhale as well as the God bumps traveling across your skin in helping another sharing the beauty of your faith. You and I are just like a Scribe who is not far from the Kingdom of God in hope recognizing the others deserve to be treated as you or helped by you if in need as you would hope someone would help you when in need.
The sound of rain this morning as I write reminds me of sleeping homeless without cover or warmth shaking from the chill of showers driving me to day to search out those who like me at the time craved for someone to hold someone to help. There is a world out there who is hungry and thirsty naked and cold craving conversation and courage to rewrite the accord. Can we find the time to bother our schedules of daily keep? Do we have the courage to pray for them in our warmth of a bed we sleep? Likewise, we should embrace them those who shiver and weep for in our comfort we serve the God of the meek. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to serve You LORD the One and Only God to help our neighbors as ourselves. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. Novena Prayers day nine for Monica. Novena prayers day four for “Poppy Juan Cruz’s “health. LORD from Psalm 126:5 I chant- “Those who sow in tears will reap with cries of joy.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
The Kingdom of God not far for all to achieve– Mark 12:28-34
The Scribed asked to receive
The Truth God would believe
First Commandment of all of these
He asked for all to perceive
Israel must hear and see
The LORD your God is King of thee
The Creator of all loving your neighbor to see
The love of God by our whole hearts to be
By the Second a Child of God will breathe
Your neighbor loved as your self’s degree
Unaware of judgment by the Truth we agree
Stunning the Scribe to fully retrieve
An answer of humility and grace
Not conceited as many Christ had taste
You are right He’d say of Christ’s answer to pray
Much more than burnt offerings convey
Seeing his understanding to believe
Answering with courage to relieve
Anxiety of questions not needed to perceive
The Kingdom of God not far for all to achieve
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins June 6, 2013 @ 4:58 AM EST
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