Day 1 of Julian’s Healing June 30, 2012
On Thursday June 28, 2012 Julian came by and visited his mother and me at home with his friend Urban better known as Muno. We invited them in to have some apple pie and strawberry ice cream. We laughed and spoke about his job and happenings of his life. Toni asked Muno of he’d wait in his car so she could have some time to pray with Julian. She had been concerned he had got caught up in a crowd that worshipped Santeria. She took him into his old room she had turned into her prayer room and kneeled with him to pray. She asked God to protect him after praying with him for about 20 minutes. He left protected in her mind from the mysterious evils of the world and we thanked God for him coming by for he hadn’t come by as much as his mother would like.
The Friday night the next day began as a relaxed time to eat a frozen pizza and have some quiet time with each other watching a movie. We had taken the phone off the hook to have some private time and it had probably been only 30 minutes when someone began banging on the locked screen door in the front yard. “Julian’s been in an accident Gabriel said when he called a minute go. Call Johnny.” Came the voice from outside. Opening the garage door I found Ellen our neighbor from three doors down stating, “Gabriel tried to call but the phone is busy.” “Thanks Ellen for letting us know” as I ran back inside to tell Toni to call Gabriel.
When Gabriel answered, I could detect in his voice the fright and concern of a brother who knew nothing but what his father had told him. “Julian’s been in a fatal car accident. Call dad.” “What happened,” his mother Toni blurted out. “I don’t know, call dad” came the reply. Toni turned her focus onto calling Johnny her ex-husband and father of Julian and Gabriel who explained the doctor called him from the Emergency Room from Julian’s cell phone explaining Julian had been in a serious car accident and is in Kendall Regional Medical Center. “What happened,” Toni exclaimed. “All we know,” Johnny replied, “is that Julian has been in a car accident and they revived him on the table on the Operating Room trying to stop his internal bleeding.” “We’re on our way,” Toni shouted in terror.
As we rushed out of the house, I think we were both in a state of shock. Gabriel said he was in a fatal car accident. His father said he was revived on an operating table. “My LORD and My God” came the open thoughts of a mother in complete shock of unknown circumstances. We immediately began praying aloud. “Our Father, Who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name…” came the echo amongst the noise of a car racing away from the children’s childhood home. We looked at one another in shock thinking aloud we should start calling people to pray.
One after another both our phones working stating in the midst of tears and fears, “Please pray for Julian he’s been in a car accident and is in Critical condition,” came the repeated words in the voice of worrisome parents. “Please pray for Julian he’s been in a car accident and is in Critical condition.” “Please pray for Julian he’s been in a car accident and is in Critical condition.” “Please pray for Julian he’s been in a car accident and is in Critical condition.” We were scared and knew the more people we called the more people who would be praying for Julian.
Amongst the calls and terror in our voices talking to friends and relative alike, I kept thinking he was in the hospital on 152nd at US 1. We glided off the Turnpike at 152nd racing down to the hospital but in my confusion, I went to the wrong hospital making me screech in horror, “I drove to the wrong hospital.” “My LORD and My God” came the words from Toni’s mouth. “Don’t worry,” I replied, “We’ll get there soon.” I called my Brother in Christ John Thorp who aided me in making sure I was going to right hospital as we raced back to the Turnpike to head North about another 10 miles to Kendall Regional Medical Center at Bird Road and the Turnpike.
Upon arriving, we ran inside to a line at the security counter. I blurted out, “We were informed our son died on an OR table from a car accident. We were told he has been revived and in an ICU room. Can we go up without getting a badge?” The security guard immediately said, “Of course sir, please go right up.” We ran to the elevator to rush up to the third floor and upon exiting the elevator ran into his father Johnny talking on the phone and crying heavily.
Toni exclaimed, “Where is Julian Johnny?” He said amongst tears pointing to the door, “He’s in the ICU Room 5A.” We rushed in the door to find a long corridor leading to several ICU wings. We found the “A” wing and ran inside to an ICU room filled with several nurses and doctors working on Julian in a scene I can only describe as right out of ER from television. Toni and I dropped to our knees calling out to God in prayer praying the Rosary aloud with our arms held high. Amongst the prayers I listened to his mother say over and over, “Not our Will LORD but Yours be done. Please heal our son. Not our Will LORD but Yours be done. Please heal our son. Not our Will LORD but Yours be done. Please heal our son. Not our Will LORD but Yours be done. Please heal our son.”
As I looked inside the ICU room, it was a scene straight out of a battlefield. There was blood everywhere. On the floor, on his sheets, on the nurses and doctors. It was everywhere. I looked in the corner and saw the drain catchers of the blood drain tubes all over the floor. The bags of empty blood containers were thrown on top of one another like stacks of recycled plastic milk cartons. I counted over 17 full drain catchers of blood that had bled from our boy placed in the corner as more were being filled up from pumps drawing the blood from his bleeding body cavities as his open surgical wound from his spleen removal was packed with red gauzes preventing his wound from openly bleeding.
For the next four hours, my wife and I openly prayed several times aloud holding our hands high reciting prayer after prayer asking not our will but God’s Will to be accomplished. We had let go of him and let God take Julian in His Healing Hands. We knew whatever God’s Will would be that we’d accept it but we also knew God hears the prayers of His Faithful servants and we would pray diligently asking God to heal our sons brokenness, organ trauma and blood loss to find His Light of Truth as the True Miracle of healing to proclaim. After four hours of praying and watching the doctors and nurse do their thing, I went home to send out the following broadcast from my daily Scripture study.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
My step son Julian Lopez of Thomas Cruz -Wiggins was in a severe car accident. Revived on OR table.
Spleen removed. Bleeding eternally. Blood pressure stabilized but bleeding still. I’ll update Saturday during the day.
Thanks for your prayers.
God Bless,
Thomas Cruz-Wiggins
Day 2 of Julian’s Healing July 1, 2012
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I thank God for all the prayers I have witnessed across the country. It’s amazing how people respond to prayer requests and the need to call out to God for help.
Julian is still in Critical Condition but is doing BETTER! Praise God. I have witnessed a miracle in healing by the prayers of people everywhere. He is still bleeding internally with his belly covered in gauze that is acting like a Big Sponge they change hourly it seems. His blood pressure has been up and down and he’s running a low-grade fever. He has opened his eyes and acknowledged questions and visitors. He has flailed his arms, leg and neck so we thank God we feel there is no injury to his spine. He looks like a fullback with shoulders big and broad from swelling. But our son continues to heal. Once stabilized, they will find any broken bones he has with surgery awaiting for his abdomen. We thank you for your continued prayers and concern.
In Jesus Name we expect the best but live for God’s Will to be fulfilled and accept the rest. We know when we place “God First.” all else will fall into place.
With much appreciation and prayer for all. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 3 of Julian’s Healing July 2, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Your prayers worldwide are being heard. Our 22-year-old Julian continues to get better amongst a critical realization of time needed healing.
The CT scan last night showed he has fractures in his face, possible bleeding in his brain, up to 14 ribs broken and other issues stemming from lacerations externally and internally. He is scheduled for surgery today to close up his abdomen wound from his spleen removal. He has no spinal injuries detected – THANK GOD!
He is in Critical condition but still able to display a smile and anger proving to us God has instilled in him the will to live. Kendall Regional Medical Center is an amazing comforting place of healing where the staff shows true dedication to difficult job at hand. Our many thanks go out to every staff member’s real concern as well as prayers of thanksgiving for you the prayer warriors worldwide. God First- all else will fall into place. Amen.
We ask for your continued prayers of healing, peace and love. We remain,
Forever grateful in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 4 of Julian’s Healing July 3, 2012
Good Morning my Fellow Prayer Warriors,
We come into Day Four with better hope for Julian’s recovery instilled by Fervent Prayer. We are calling out “My LORD and My God” just as the one and only Twin did when he stuck his hand in the side of Christ.
Julian’s surgery was cancelled yesterday and is going to be starting this morning at 7:30. They are closing his stomach up if the swelling is down enough after irrigating the abdominal cavity. A lot of doctors talk with too much hydrogen peroxide to fully comprehend. We do understand the severity of his condition as “CRITICAL.”
Our son lays in a state of hope attached to everything man and women have every created. He fights, “literally fights” to stay alive with mom’s dad’s and brother who have camped in a twenty-four hour vigil. We laugh and cry recalling all the memories parents ever have. From broken arms to brothers protecting one another, God’s beauty is amongst the healing of pain. Julian’s will be no doubt have every pain known to man relying on the constant prayer of faith, hope and love from us and YOU the Prayer Warriors across the world.
Our hearts ache with amazing gratitude for anyone we know who says they will pray for Julian. I believe his mother Toni has asked EVERY person she sees in the hospital if they believe in God and if so, pray for Julian. I pray her pain and hope in the LORD’s Will may carry Julian home. Again, thank you but please keep praying.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas & Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day Five Post Surgery Update for Julian July 4, 2012
Dear Men and Women of Prayer:
Julian survived the surgery. It’s the second of many. He is so swollen it’s scary. The doctors began a treatment to shed his excess water. Scary has turned into beautiful- our son is emerging to a new life and our hearts are on fire for God’s Truth.
Now he’s being rotated every two hours- back and forth to keep him from getting bed sores. Our alarms have been set as mom stood watch yet again during the night with her son healing from her soothing coos and kisses and tender stroking of his head and hair. Her chair in place at his bedside, her fatigue rocking her world, she calls out to God often as she says I love you Julian just as much as she says “My LORD and My God.” “Mommy is here Julian. I love You. God Bless You.”
There is so much being done to him it boggles the mind; tubes and needles, drains and beeps- modern medicine at its finest. I can only imagine what goes through the minds of doctors everywhere. Especially the two I love dearly TL & AMWS. He will remain in CRITICAL condition for days remaining on a ventilator to keep him breathing.
With great admiration and unspoken thanks, please keep praying for Julian. Prayers are needed. Please pray for his healing. The calls and emails lift our tired aching bodies to levels of God’s Eternal Fuel. We remain always thankful. God Bless YOU ALL…
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 6 of Julian’s Healing July 5, 2012
Dear People of Prayer:
Day Six of Julian’s healing progress has one chest tube removed and the stopping of his paralyzing drugs to keep him from moving around. They are still making sure he doesn’t move too much but overall we are seeing some improvement. His post-surgical temperature seems to be hovering around 100 degrees and they keep ice packs under his arms and thighs to keep him cooled. The doctor said he is still in CRITICAL condition.
His brother began talking to him yesterday which stirred everyone’s emotions as Julian opened his eyes a soooo BIG and began trying to talk and raise his arms. They immediately gave him more sedative to keep him from moving but it was a sign our child has the will power of a lion to be progressing toward recovery.
We are rotating shifts of staying with Julian at night as our lives move forward in the recovery phase for Julian’s prolonged healing. We are unsure how his body will react to the new blood pumping through his veins as we pray the blood will build antibodies to fight infections and give him strength allowing his kidneys and liver to function normally.
As we begin a new phase in the life of us all, we first want to acknowledge the amazing nursing staff at Kendall Regional Medical Center. They are an amazing bunch of healers who show true compassion for living a job of enormous pressure. Our gratitude goes beyond words as well as to YOU the Prayer Warriors around the world. Please continue to pray for Julian’s complete healing but we are asking specifically to pray he will be able to breathe on his own soon and NOT require to have a trachea placed in his throat for breathing. With many people praying one prayer at a time, we know God will provide for all of Julian’s needs.
Again, we thank you all for your continued prayers. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
July 6, 2012 Day 7 Update of our Son Julian @ 3:04 AM EST
Dear People of Faith:
One week ago today between 4:44 PM and 5 PM, our son was in a severe accident rolling a Ford Explorer doing less than 35 MPH. As the driver, Julian swerved to miss another car causing his own vehicle to roll several times and throw him out through a broken window. It is believed that Julian was rolled over by the truck as it tossed him out of the window exploding his Spleen, breaking most of his ribs while creating excessive blood loss. In fact, he lost so much blood his heart had stopped upon arrival to the Trauma Center by Life Flight here at Kendall Regional causing him to be shocked to start his heart again. In the first two days, he has received 73 units of blood! He is a miracle of God’s healing power! Amen!
Since his arrival here a week ago, we have seen the Power of Prayer at work in people we know and strangers we don’t know. We continue to ask anyone we meet to pray for Julian. It has been a tough week of fatigue but a rewarding week of healing. Our son continues to fight for his life and as one of his surgeons stated last night during his rounds, “His condition is very CRITICAL and he’s not out of the woods yet.” We take the progress for granted and we have to realize that Julian is in for a long haul of recovery to heal. When you look at his x-ray for his chest, you see what the doctor means because it looks like broken Legos. His body still swollen, he’s fighting infections causing constant fever. Without sedation, Julian would be in excruciating pain and his level of comfort would next to nil. He is expected to have a trachea inserted today.
We accept God’s Will in all things and while we don’t want to lose our son, we are very conscious of the fact that he’s surviving by the Grace of God. We are willing and able to do whatever it takes to find God’s Will in every step of his healing and we ask for everyone’s continued prayers. We are thankful God kept us in town for our wedding anniversary on July 4th for we prayed about going to a spiritual retreat that lapsed into God’s Will of being here for him and his healing. As I sit here watching him breathe by a machine at 3 AM, I am grateful to give him my all in prayers aloud, cleansing him from head to toe and rubbing ointment on his wounds.
Sometimes I’ll start crying as if God was allowing me to know His Spirit in my soul. Thank You LORD for this grace of water flowing from my heart through my eyes. It is tough and almost impossible to sleep with the sounds of swoosh swoosh and beep beep going on a few inches away. Fatigued yet energized to fight in prayer. Please pray we parents stay strong for God’s Purpose to help Julian every step of the way.
I close this morning with obvious tears of thanksgiving for each and every one of you the Intercessors of Heaven. We feel the prayers you exclaim to our God as if you were right here in our midst. God is using us to witness to His Awesome Power of faith, forgiveness and love. Please give Julian a prayer at Prayer Muffin this morning. I will miss you men sorely as I continue my watch and vigil of seeing our son back from the depths of demise to heights of Glorifying our LORD with all our might. Please pray for Julian. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ ever thankful for all of you,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 8 of Julian’s Healing
Wig’s Word of God Today 7-7-2012 Julian’s Healing Skin of Christ
A new skin of life offered in Christ.
People do not put new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. Rather, they pour new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved. Matthew 9:17
Amos 9:11-15, Psalm 85 & Matthew 9:14-17
I begin today by joining my love of God to describe Day 8 of Julian’s Healing Update. The “New Skin in Christ” has been bestowed on Julian by the amazing display of love through prayer we are receiving all over the world. Julian’s old wine represented in his loss of blood and transfusion of new blood we can see and feel the “New Skin in Christ” Julian has because all of you who have called, sent emails or sent us cards expressing your sympathy and love. We are all very amazed and thankful at the outpouring of prayers that we both sometimes begin to cry just thinking of all the people who are praying for Julian and us. The Road to Recovery has many beautiful sights but the scenery can and will be very difficult to stay in our seatbelts from the challenges and bumps we will and have encountered thus far.
Julian lost every bit of his blood. The stomach wound looks like a steel zipper from the staples closing his wound from his spleen removal to stop the internal bleeding also acted like a giant petri dish collecting bacteria and growing into a blood infection. The infection is causing Julian to have a constant fever of 100 degrees plus making his heart race like a little Red Corvette sometimes over 125 beats per minute. He is so sedated he hasn’t opened his eyes in two days but he has made other strides such as having bowel movements as well as breathing better on his own.
Last night he was wheeled into surgery to remove the final chest drain tube and be outfitted with a trachea breathing tube in his throat. The relief I can see in his face of not having a piece of quarter inch PVC pipe shoved down his throat was overwhelming. We can see the alleviation it causes in his mouth’s movements as well as his color in his face. We are thankful God has taken Julian this far and we all are easily overcome with tears of exhaustion allowing us to heal from our constant attentive thoughts, action and love.
Every experience in life God allows us to grow if we’d only see each instance as the Will of God. This accident makes us all be thankful and aware of the healing every family member must go through. It has drawn people together in God’s Precious Name sharing Truth in every action. The life of two families that once was a separate entity of parents to Julian have drawn the two newest parents of Julian into a beautiful teamed effort to see Julian walk out of this life altering event as a SURVIVOR!!! THANKS BE TO GOD…
We have learned to accept the “Marathon Heart” beating in Julian’s chest as a sign for us to be ready to go the long distance. We believe because of the prayers you have provided, the vigil of care he has received from all family members and his young age Julian will fight off this infection, the shock his organs received because of blood loss and heal the broker bones quicker than most. The doctor reports Julian is still in CRITICAL condition progressing day-by-day on God’s Own Divine Plan of healing.
We close today asking that your prayers continue as we get down on our knees in thanksgiving to Glorify the Father because of each of you the Stampeding Intercessors of Heaven’s Door. God is answering the prayers we all have to see success in Julian’s recovery. Our unspoken “thanks” is a real aspect of every tear we shed during the day. Tears of gratitude. Tears of love. Tears of Surrender. Each of you are in our prayers too. God is Glorified in all. In our healing, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 9 of Julian’s Healing July 8, 2012
My Dearest Prayer Warriors,
Day Nine finds Julian fighting off pulmonary embolism, pneumonia and an infection in his blood that has caused him to carry a fever of 100 degrees plus for several days now. In my mind this means his body is working as God intended pushing out the bad blood cells for the good ones that grew in his stomach while his wound was open and bleeding. We realize that Julian has no blood of his own, which means he has to build up all NEW antibodies. I’m no doctor or chemist for that matter but I think his blood is getting used to its new owner so to speak to carry on the intended life of a Child of God.
They have lowered his medicine dosage causing him to thrash around a bit to find his level of dosage needs after not opening his eyes for a couple of days. This is like turning the blows off from mommy’s mouth after a bad spill on your bicycle. It hurts and the way he acts shows us the pain he is feeling. Now they raise it to comfort him again and he’ll continue to rest in his own inner world of healing.
With infection comes breathing, with breathing comes renal function and with renal function comes the liver being happy too. Every organ Julian has must adjust to every sense of being traumatized and in shock. If I recall the doctor’s words, “Julian has Stage Four Shock.” Meaning Julian experienced a car rolling over his body crushing his ribs while being thrown out of a Ford Explorer at 30 MPH landing with a “smack” against the ground. Everything must get used to swimming together as one and the current is tougher as time wears on because it seems it takes such a long time to have our son back smiling, talking, laughing, and walking.
The pneumonia is troublesome but seemingly expected in a case that has to breathe from a ventilator. His new trachea has allowed him to calm his chewing action as he remains heavily sedated without the ability to open his eyes. Essentially he is asleep the nurse said dreaming all sorts of dreams hopefully pain free allowing the body to fix itself. We all pray God is allowing His Divine Will to continue his miraculous healing from such horrific circumstances as the “patient” phase of medicine therapy continues in a sedated state. Soon Julian will open his eyes to the realization he has a lot of rehabilitation to live and a new life to live for in God’s Purpose.
We close today stating thank you as all of Julian’s parents have been doing from everyone you can imagine. From co-workers to family members to every unknown Prayer Warrior in every corner of the world, we thank you in continuous tears of exhausted healing ourselves. We continue to pray in faith, hope and love to give our all to God’s Trusted Plan of healing for Julian and we ask for continued prayers as the doctor said with hope Julian is still in CRITICAL condition. Please pray for Julian.
Us moms and dads will continue our vigils and each of us thank you for the time you take to call or come to see Julian in the hospital. Please, only two at a time. Julian needs to feel our love in the calmest way possible without stirring his emotions that may hinder is rapid healing. In thanksgiving we ask you to pray over our son and write him a note he can read one day and that’ll be the day he can have as many visitors as he wants. God willing, we will celebrate this at his dad’s new house. Maybe Julian will share some of them with us as we recall each time you came by to pray for our son’s healing.
As I slow down the writing of the Julian’s progress reports daily, please know my courageous Prayer Warriors that we continue or vigilance in prayer to heal Julian’s mind, body and spirit. We thank you and we love you all. Your continued prayers guide our days in peace. Please pray for us. Please pray for Julian. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 10 of Julian’s Healing July 9, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Day 10 finds Julian struggling to rid himself of a Pulmonary Embolism (PE). Yesterday, I thought the PE was a form of pneumonia, I was wrong. A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot in the lung. The clot usually forms in smaller vessels in the leg, pelvis, arms, or heart, but occasionally the clot can be large. We are frightened by this because the clot can cut of oxygen to portions of the lung causing the tissue to become damaged because of oxygenated blood loss.
It also can travel to different portions of the body causing all sorts of problems and since Julian is bleeding internally from his injuries (i.e. fractured ribs, spleen removal and severe road rash) prayers are needed to thwart the travel of the clot to other locations of the body because the doctors can’t treat it as of yet because the drugs they use are used as a blood thinning agent can cause Julian to bleed excessively. The goal is stop all bleeding allowing his body to heal. Praise God, there is no Pneumonia but pray to God the clot will be resolved soon.
Julian is healing slowly as if he’s the Tortoise in the race of life. His blood infection is being treated by antibiotics as his external wounds are showing signs of healing. His sedation level still remains high allowing him to heal in an internal state of God’s Hand of Providence. As parents, we realize his race to save his life is a VERY LONG process causing us to establish vigils by his bedside until he is COMPLETELY out of his serious condition. The doctor reports a cautious step-by-step progress of healing is taking place describing he is still in CRITICAL condition. Please keep praying for Julian.
The doctors have begun a nutritional therapy to help his body regain its strength as we continue to see signs of him making strides to catch up with that fast running Hare of Healing. At times, his father and I have seen him open his eyes when asked as if to say “hello, I’m running as fast I can to get to the finish line of recovery.” We remind him with soothing rubs and Scripture reading that God has him in the palms of His Hand and to relax in a state of rest to get better.
The sedative drugs make it hard for him to open his eyes and you can see him struggle to use the muscles around his eyes to make them open. When he does open them, we are all elated beyond description as we get a chance to smile, cry and sing praises at the most amazing green eyes in the world. An emerald green that shines with the Light of Christ Who is Healer of all infirmities.
I am grateful to God of allowing us to share Julian’s healing to bring more souls to His Kingdom. The response by YOU the Prayer Warrior has been tremendous and we are forever in your debt allowing us to accept God’s Will as the learning experience He intends for us to find. We ask for continued prayers for Julian’s healing as we close on Day 10 with renewed hope of long-term restoration of Julian’s life in faith, hope and love. Thank you again for the offer to cook meals and provide help in staying with Julian. If there is anyone interested in staying with Julian during his recovery, please reply to this email so we may place you on the list of possible people to help. Until tomorrow, we remain forever confident in God’s Divine Plan for humanity by the Redemption His Son affords us all. For we remain always,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas & Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 11 of Julian’s Healing July 10, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Julian goes into day 11 experiencing an emergency surgery late yesterday afternoon to shed the excess fluid built up in his lung. The doctor exclaimed, “Almost beat my record.” Meaning Julian had two liters of fluid drained from his right lung. This happens to be the lung that is surrounded by a complete set of broken ribs minus one. Again, supposedly a normal occurrence for this type of injury.
Julian’s responses lately have showed us he is feeling every bit of pain by obvious winces from his face as he is moved every two hours to prevent bed sores. His reactions are a good indication that his recovery is a slow moving process as he opens his eyes more and more to verbal commands as well as the painful moving every two hours.
I kind of like equate it to Rip Van Winkle being kicked every two hours as he slept all those years in his fairy tell. Julian is completely sedated but his injuries are causing him such excruciating pain every time he is moved.
We parents are tirelessly working to give Julian support and love and we ask for continued prayers of peace for all family concerned. Every day has new challenges and our needs are going to be rest, food and prayer. Please let us know if anyone can help in the process of staying with Julian as the months role on. He’s going to need a lot help as he continues to grow. Thank you for the prayers we feel from all over the world. The cards, letters and phone calls are great encouragement. Each of you are in our prayers. Please pray for Julian. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 12 of Julian’s Healing July 11, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
One day after Julian’s surgery to shed his excess fluid in his lungs, Julian’s eyes are open and responding to questions by shaking his head back and forth or up and down- in other words- Yes or No! As he answers questions, you can see the pain he’s experiencing across his face and the overwhelming presence of God calming his anxiety as well as his parents who have continued their vigil in keeping Julian comfortable and represented. As parents, we are learning things we’ve never even heard before like an Inferior Vena Cava Filter or IVC filter.
An inferior vena cava filter or IVC filter is a small cone-shaped device that is implanted in the inferior vena cava just below the kidneys. The filter is designed to capture an embolism, a blood clot that has broken loose from one of the deep veins in the legs on its way to the heart and lungs. Without the IVC filter in place, there would be the potential for the embolism to cause a blockage of the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs. Blockage of one or both arteries is referred to as the pulmonary embolism (PE) Julian has in his lung and can cause difficulty breathing, chest pain, and death.
Julian’s pulmonary embolism (PE) has lodged in his lung and since he is bedridden to allow him to heal, he is at risk for developing more PE’s as his healing continues. The doctors began blood thinning treatment yesterday to hopefully rid his lung of the PE but he is still at risk of other clots forming and traveling to his lungs and brain. His is a candidate for the IVC Filter and we expect the doctors to discuss Julian needing one soon.
I am happy to report that Julian’s road rash, cuts and bruises are healing all over his body. His backside bruises have lightened in color a small bit and his cuts are responding to the Neosporin every parent lovingly coats his sores with during their “watch” of soothing and representing Julian’s best interest for recovery. Julian’s father Johnny has been as solid as a rock in Julian’s care and I’m watching God use him to share his faith in extraordinary ways. It has been a pleasure to get to know him and his wife Lisa who are great role models for all their kids.
We all need to make sure we get enough sleep, exercise and food for the experience of having your child in CRITICAL condition as the doctor continues to note is very taxing on our bodies, minds and spirits. Without the wonderful responses from Prayer Warriors such as the goodies of food brought by Sean and Erin yesterday, Ellen and Mike’s pasta and the offers of others, we’d be eating out of a machine quite often. We thank all of you form the bottom of our hearts and we continue to ask to please pray for Julian’s complete recovery. He is fighting for his life and we won’t leave his side until he walks out of the hospital completely healed. Until tomorrow, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 13 of Julian’s Healing July 12, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
Day 13 finds Julian fighting the infection in his lungs described by the doctors as pneumonia. I know, I said a couple of days ago Julian had no pneumonia but the doctors warned us he may develop a type Ventilator Associated Pneumonia referred to as VAP because it increases a patient’s chance of getting pneumonia by making it easier for germs to get into the patient’s lungs. A majority of the people on a ventilator experience this type of pneumonia because they are breathing through the respirator for an extended period of time.
While VAP can be a very serious infection, it can be treated with antibiotics. For those of you who have visited, you’ll notice we ask that you immediately wash your hands to help prevent the spread of more infections by bacteria we carry without knowing it. If you’ve ever wondered why your mom, dad or teachers at school tell you to wash your hands often, here’s the reason- to prevent germs from getting into your body causing infections that can make you sick. Please pray Julian’s pneumonia will not create problems for his healing and will be cured by the antibiotic therapy drugs.
Recently I shared Julian had a heart rate as fast as a Little Red Corvette close to 125 beats per minute caused by the excruciating pain he is feeling from his broken ribs, fractured facial bone as well as an incision in his stomach that looks more like a steel zipper measuring at least a foot long. We are beginning to see Julian is “allowing the flow of wellness through his body” (Thanks Chippy! So true.) to take over, he’s starting to truly feel the pain of broken bones, uncomfortable breathing and a swollen body from all the fluids causing his heart rate to scream past the Little Red Corvette now riding in a pretty Forest Green Lamborghini at almost 140 beats per minute. Scary at times when it seems like we should be able to do something but we learn quick enough we have to allow the doctor’s orders and nurses do their job. Many people remind us we have to keep a close eye on things going on to Julian and ask A LOT of questions, which none of us are afraid to do when it comes to the well-being of our son.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to sit and hold Julian’s hand asking him different questions grasping his responses with tears rolling down my cheeks. When the doctor came by, he asked if Julian was responding to any verbal questions and I looked down at Julian and said, “Julian, are you a fighter? Are you allowing the flow of wellness to pulse through your body?” Julian looking up at us both with eyes as wide as you can imagine shook his head up and down communicating the BIGGEST “YES” your heart can truly imagine. As we spoke about Julian’s progress, the doctor noted Julian is fighting off infections in his blood and lungs, aching from broken bones and allowing his organs to return to “normal operating procedures” keeping him in CRITICAL condition. He needs our prayers and perseverance to give him every chance possible to survive. Please pray for Julian.
I’ll close today with some lyrics from a song a friend of Julian’s said he told her it was a favorite of his. The song I’ve played several times together and I noticed the lyrics are fitting for his current circumstance and/or condition. As many of you might guess, Julian will remain heavily sedated for quite some time allowing him to dream your wildest imaginative dreams that the lyrics to “Drops of Jupiter” by Train seemed to fit exactly. As we listened to them together, I as well as he had tears of joy streaming down our faces representing the love in my mind of God’s Amazing Universe in a song he’s probably has been flying in the arms of Angels with. It goes like this:
“Tell me, did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded. Tell me, did you fall from a shooting star? One without a permanent scar. And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there?”
God has a plan for this young man. He’s gonna sail with the Son and we miss him now as he is held in the hands of God to rejuvenate his mind, body and soul. I’m at a loss for words of how I feel when I sit with him as he winces in pain, opens his eyes a mile wide and looks at me with his eyes seemingly saying, “I’m hurting. Can’t you help me?” It’s the worst feeling any parent could go through. It’s the pain of billion knives stabbing your heart with no blood squirting in the air. It’s a ride only God knows why we have to experience and one we will proclaim His Truth from start to finish. In our pain, there is Redemption. In our worries there is His peace. Thank YOU the Prayer Warriors for helping us find peace by God’s Divine Light where Julian rides the Milky Way of dreams in healing. Until tomorrow, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas & Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 14 Julian’s Healing July 13, 2012
Dear People of Prayer,
Today Julian is scheduled to have the blood clot filter inserted into a main vein coming from his legs up to the heart. It’s the return route of blood that flows back to your heart from the lower parts of your body. It’s amazing the amount of things we are learning about different aspects of the body’s organ function. God sure did create an amazing vessel to think, feel, walk, and talk. Amen. We are in awe at His Majestic Light that shines in Julian’s room day and night.
Tio Buddy , Titi Nilza and their daughter Angelica arrive today to give Julian some love and comfort. They vow to stay in the hospital all night Friday to give the family some needed rest. With Toni returning to work this past week, she might be hard to convince to come home and rest. I see such tender love from her when she cares for her son as missed him dearly during the week while at work.
Every day she goes directly there after work to give him her arriving and departing Novena of kisses. A beautiful sight to witness and appreciate. The stories flow out of her about Julian’s childhood have been refreshing showing her constant love that mirrors the love of all mothers. I love her with all my heart and soul and I share her love of “Big Man” as his father likes to call him.
I pray our love and dedication bestows on people a blessing of God’s Love. My wife and I strive to love God with all our heart and soul. We want sharing the Truth God Promises us all in Eternal Life in Heaven to be placed at the forefront of our hearts as we pray to the LORD to heal Julian to be a miracle witness of making believers everywhere. Remember, Heaven is rated above all life has to offer.
When the doctor came in for morning rounds, I explained to him we surrender all to God for Julian’s healing. Then I heard for the first time from any doctor that Julian was making strides to a full recovery reminding us to be cautious for Julian is still in CRITICAL condition. When he winces from them moving his battered tired body, God is telling us Julian is healing from prayers from people like you. We thank you all for yor prayers. Please continue to pray for Julian. We also ask for continued prayers for the soul of Gregory who passed away today there in the ICU.
In the midst of pain and confusion, I beg us all to pray for peace to accomplish faith, action to live in hope and grace to feel God’s love. Until tomorrow, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas & Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 15 of Julian’s Healing July 14, 2012
Dear People of Faith,
Day 15 brings about something we all have wanted for from Julian. I for one have not seen this but his father Johnny who Julian loves with all his heart and soul has seen Julian “smile” several times. I know, it seems like such a small thing but in reality I believe in my heart it means Julian is truly healing and will SURVIVE! Yes, SURVIVE! Julian remains in Critical condition but even the doctors feel He WILL SURVIVE!
I simply said a friend’s name from the neighborhood and he looked at me and smiled too! The first for me since he rolled his friends car ending up in complete havoc two weeks ago but nonetheless, a smile. The smallest of things can make a parents heart leap for joy when your child’s body lies in a complete state of shock for two weeks.
After Julian received his blood clot filter yesterday, Julian was awake and alert still wincing in pain yet alert and seeking healing. When he came back from surgery, Julian was shaking from being cold and I asked him if he wanted me to crawl into bed with him and warm him up. He looked up at me and shook his head a resounding “yes.” I looked at his mother Toni and exclaimed, “He said yes. He said yes.” He said yes making me cry with joy. If I could, if they would have let me- I would have crawled right up next to him and gave my all to warming his shaking cold body. I was content with the tears of joy from a beautiful and simple yes!
Julian’s mother returned late last night after Julian’s aunt and uncle arrived from Orlando to stay with him stating things like, “he’s so alert now. The nurse was massaging his fingers and feet explaining to Julian he has to get his body moving to rehabilitate faster.” Julian is displaying the determination to survive and we are all in absolute awe of God’s Divine Miracle. Please, please, please- please continue to pray for we know he has survived from God hearing the prayers if people all over the world for which we as parents can’t say thank you enough.
We are so thankful to each and every one of you- the Prayer Warriors of the world. Day 14 should bring about a day of smiles and laughs hopeful for complete recovery. A day to pray ever more diligently that our son will live to tell the tale of being brought back from death by the amazing skills of doctors and nurses but more so by the Divine Healing of God. Julian is a witness to God’s Grace as we are a witness to the His Grace of prayer by each of you. We say again, thank you, thank you, thank you. Until tomorrow, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 16 of Julian’s Healing July 15, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
It’s amazing what a day can make. It’s almost as if a light has gone off in Julian’s brain. He has made strides as obvious as day and night. The nurse on Friday night told Julian only he can make his recovery go as fast or slow as he wants it to. She encouraged him to exercise his fingers, arms and legs. She told him to focus his breathing so he can come off the respirator. Our son has gone from being a dead man on an OR table to a true Miracle of God’s Divine Grace. In one day, Julian seems to have turned his entire healing into a determination of walking out a true survivor. It was a pleasure to be present as two dads held his hands and on three pulled Julian to an almost sitting position as he repeated “I want to get up, I want to get up.”
By the time we arrived at the hospital Saturday afternoon, Julian had spent the entire night WIDE EYED and BUSHY TAILED constantly working his muscles in his arms and legs asking repeatedly to let him stand up. Yes, stand up. Tio Buddy and Titi Nilza tried to sleep but they couldn’t because they said “Julian never closed his eyes.” I’m amazed at the desire the turning of the switch in his brain has done. By the time I called Toni last night to tell her good night and pray with her, Julian was sitting on the side of the bed with his legs hanging over ready to take the leap to FREEDOM. I know in my heart that Julian’s recovery is a miracle of prayer from people like you who haven’t stopped praying and know God provides miracles to the faithful of the world.
Today, hopefully Julian will be able to get out of bed and sit for the first time in a chair since arriving on his back in a hovering helicopter. I mentioned to Julian that if he wanted to go for a helicopter ride to wait until we go to Orlando to pick up his step brother Jeff next time. In Light of the seriousness of Julian’s injuries, we see the determination in Julian’s actions of wanting to get up and on with his life. Our healing watch continues and we are thankful to see Julian try to snap his fingers to get attention to the watchful eye of family and friends. I watched him mouth the words, “I want to get up. I want to get up. I want to get up,” over and over and over. To his repetitive desire to surge his desire to live life, we take this time to recognize the Truth of God’s Miracle from His Divine Will and You the True Intercessors of Heaven.
Thank you. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. A Novena of “Thank You” for all the people who forget to say Thank You to our LORD and Savior as well as the Prayer Warriors of the World. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. We’re sorry. A Novena of “We’re sorry’ for all the people who forget to say they are sorry to you LORD. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. We love You. A Novena of “I love You” for all the people who forget to say they love You LORD.
The strides to healing come from knowing a God Who is ever present in each of our lives. By placing Him First, we say to each of you “Thank You” for praying for Julian’s recovery. Thank you for praying for our strength. We’re sorry if we hadn’t recognized everyone who has prayed for our family. If we could, we’d all hold hands at once and pray for each other. And finally, we love you all. The love God meant for us to share with the world. We pray we all get a chance to share His love every day in each little step of healing and growth we take with the world. Be alive. Be God’s Divine Eye. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 17 of Julian’s Healing July 16, 2012
Dear Prayer Warriors,
We have begun to encounter the difficult aspect of narcotic use in sedating a trauma victim as Julian has been weaned off the “hard stuff” as many doctors like to say when discussing the drugs they use to keep a patient completely pain free and immobile. With the reduction of drugs comes the worried look of a little boy in terror struggling to sleep experiencing all sorts of hallucinations needing to cover the room mirror for fright of what flies out of it. Toni stayed with Julian all night Saturday night and Johnny his father last night where we believe Julian hasn’t closed his eyes in almost 36 hours. Needless to say, nor does the parent in the room.
After sleeping for 13 days straight with an open eye here and there, 3 straight days of no sleep has made it tough for parents to watch as Julian waves his hands, points his fingers and describes things in a bare whisper of weird sightings all the while straining to open his eyes farther apart than I’ve ever seen anyone open their eyes. I guess you could describe it as a look of terror or shock. Whatever he’s seeing, it’s scaring the daylights out of him preventing him from sleeping and staying calm. Again, a natural occurrence for patient’s encountering a severe trauma case we are told but makes us wince with frustrations.
As Toni and I prayed the Rosary with Julian yesterday, Julian would recite the prayers with us holding on to the Rosary pointing here and there as if describing monsters flying around the room yet in his hands reactions being soothed by the touch of his own mom. Toni or I would flail our arms as if to say “get away monsters” when Julian would point hoping we can calm his fears. I trust God is guiding Julian on each flight path he may be taking for the feelings of having no control weigh heavy on the minds of us parents searching for ways to reduce his terror as well as his dependence on any type of narcotic. We all know and hear the results of long-tern use of these type of drugs. Please pray with us that Julian’s dependency on these will lesson with time.
We praise God today as we watch His Divine Miracle of Healing transform our child into a living, breathing, and God-fearing young man who is loved by the Father enjoying the healing caressing hands of God Himself by the prayers and petitions recited worldwide for Julian’s complete recovery. Every day we run into somebody different who mentions they have been praying for our family and Julian’s complete resurgence. We are ever so grateful.
It is so refreshing to find God working in so many lives causing the washing of eyes from tears of love to burst upon sometimes complete strangers. One person telling another and another meeting us in God’s unknown places of destiny. We are in AWE of God’s Omnipotence guiding us to share His Miracle of His Son’s Redemption with people we know and just meet. Toni reminds Julian over and over to place God First and all else will fall into place. Our battle-cry of Truth. Our campaign of rehabilitation. Our prayer request from each of you- We pray we can all place God First and find His Healing Will in everything we do.
We are planning a Mass of Healing for Julian soon. We know in our hearts if ask everyone to come together and pray for Julian in the Highest form of Honor of God by and through His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity Truly present in the Blessed Sacrament to have Mercy on us all providing the hope, honor and healing we all need to live our life for His Purpose. God-willing, we will enjoy the Mass one day when Julian is there, front and center, enjoying the presence of God’s Anointed Prayer Warriors of Revival. I just know the Readings that day will reflect God’s Holy Will of Direction for everyone’s life of surrender. Stay tuned. Share something soon.
We close today asking everyone to give Julian a few days to find peace we pray in the midst of the effects of his drug therapy directives. Essentially Julian finds it hard to close his eyes after dreaming his way across the Milky Way of stars during his last two weeks of a zombie state. Please pray for Julian and his parents to stay focused on what’s best for Julian’s complete recovery as the days become taxing from lack of sleep.
The doctor’s reminds us he’s still in CRITICAL condition and to not be worried if he has some sort of relapse. We accept the Will of God through prayer and petition as He explains to us all in His Word of Truth. May we all learn to pray God gives us wisdom to live an active life of faith, hope and love. We thank You LORD for all. We are sorry if we offended You LORD. We love You LORD. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless you all. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
Day 18 of Julian’s Healing
Dear Prayer Warriors,
We awake on Day 18 with a better understanding of Julian’s condition caused by the weaning of him off the medication to keep him from feeling the brokenness of a body in healing. The parents have encountered such things as flying objects unknown as Julian swats them with his hands waving his arms back and forth sometimes frantically that causes us to stay by his bedside for hours on end. We gladly wrap our hands in his as I have done for the last five hours where I station myself by his side to soothe and comfort him.
It’s called ICU Psychosis. ICU Psychosis is a disorder in which patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) or a similar setting experience a cluster of serious psychiatric symptoms. In Julian’s case, he shows a fear I have never witnessed before. He sometimes will cry and shake his head if you try and leave is side. I stop and imagine how his father and mother have dealt with this same thing these last couple of nights when they were here by his side in an unwavering support of their child in need. Staying by his side holding his hands calming his fears shooing away the flying objects with authority and care. “Get away Satan- I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus!” Words I have shouted countless times and will continue until they are sent packing to their next victim of vulnerable ability. May the prayers of prayer warriors like you keep them at bay, amen.
While it’s 3:33 in the morning, Julian’s eyes are as open as anyone could get them as we listen to Michael Jackson’s “You are not alone.” I imagine his journeys so far away even though he is holding my hand and shaking. The nurse and I sing to him gently causing Julian to close his eyes and calm his fears. He’s more awake than we’ve seen him thus far. He tries to talk but the trachea tube in his throat prevents him from saying anything. His dad has had great success reading his lips as I continue to struggle slightly getting the complete meaning of every word he mouths with tears in his eyes.
“You are not alone. I am here with you. Though you are far away. I am here to stay. You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we are far apart. I’m here from the start. You are not alone. Though we’re far apart. You are always in my heart.” (My own words now) “You tried to say goodbye. But God has kept you in His eye. He is here with you. Not far away holding you so true. Just hold my hand. Forever began. You are not alone. My child living the unknown.”
Julian began asking questions this morning that centered on why he is here. What caused him to be here. How long will he have to stay. All questions of a child in recovery. He is healing and laboring in pain as he heals from being brought back from the dead. We parents feel he is a true miracle of God’s Divine Will. If you could only see his smile when asked by the nurse to smile or his smirk when he doesn’t get what he wants, you’d cry the tears we flow in thanksgiving to our God Who is so True and Mighty. If you don’t believe in God’s Miracles, read the words I have written for 18 days and you’ll believe. God is the reason Julian lives because of the prayers from people like YOU. Thank you all- May God Bless You All.
I close today to invite each of you to Julian’s Healing and Thanksgiving Mass on August 15th at 7 pm in English at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Homestead, Florida. We may even see Julian there, LORD willing, to thank you all and give thanks to God for all of His Miracles. We know when we place God First- all else will fall into place. There is no doubt in our minds of Who is in charge of our lives. Are you? Until tomorrow, we ask you to pray for Julian’s surgical wound that has opened and gotten infected. Please pray the pain of having his stomach open will be limited to heal in comfort. Until then, we remain always,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas & Toni Cruz-Wiggins
I will follow You. Light unto the world. Light unto me. Where You go, I’ll go. Where you stay I’ll stay. Where You love, I’ll love. How You serve I’ll serve. In You there’s life Everlasting… You are my refuge, You are strength. You are faithful forever…
Day 19 of Julian’s Healing July 18, 2012
Dearest Prayer Warriors of the World,
After I shared Julian’s progress yesterday morning, Julian became more and more determined to “step off” the end of the bed and onto the floor of recovery. He asked repeatedly, “I want to walk. I want to walk.” His nurse Maria who has the compassion of a saint asked him, “Do you want to sit down in the chair?” Which Julian happily agreed by shaking his head up and down numerous times. We laughed together knowing he’s progressing with such amazing recovery that it warms our hearts and souls to see God’s Miracle recuperation. So, here we are, two nurses and I prepping him to stand up and sit in a chair for the first time in 18 days.
I didn’t know about them but I was excited and nervous all at the same time. “You hold his back,” the nurse tells me, “as we steady his arms and swing his legs off the bed.” I eagerly positioned myself behind him pushing him as I steadied him. “On three,” the nurse exclaims, “one, two and three.” And off his legs went to the side of the bed. Just as he had before when we first swung his legs off the bed the previous night, he turned to me with an anxious look in his face shaking his head “no, no, no.” We all three chimed in, “it’s Ok Julian. We have you.” The nurses reminded me to steady his back when they pull him up to his feet to allow him to stand. “Again, on three,” the nurse states, “one, two and three.” And up he went to his feet. “Yay, we all stated at once.” I’m still crying now as I write this. Amazing how GREAT God is!
As he stood there being held by two nurses under his arms and steadied by me at his back the nurse says, “Ok Julian, you have to shuffle your feet to set you in the chair.” I could tell he wasn’t ready though. His legs were shaking as his face described his horror of falling. In an instant he decided he wasn’t prepared and just sat down on the edge of the bed. As we repositioned him on his bed, we all congratulated him for putting in such great effort as you could see his disappointment across his face. “Don’t worry Julian,” I said. “You did great. Tomorrow you’ll stand up and hop right in that chair, Ok?” He smiled as his attention turned to a nervous sort of anxiety that seems to last and last and last.
With anxiety comes worry and worry leads him to pull on nasal tubes, IV lines and respirator hoses. He’ll wake from a worried state of drowsiness snapping his fingers and banging on the bed as if you were sitting across the room but you are actually standing by his side. They began a new drug therapy to keep him calm and during his restful period of the night he woke me by frantically shaking of his bed. He had pulled his nasal gastric feeding tube out and looked at me with absolute horror in his facial expressions. A friend once told me he pulled his out it because it bothered him so much. I can only imagine what it made Julian feel like. Hopefully, the new central IV line they have will allow him to keep it out of his nose. We can only pray.
Speaking of prayer, we are requesting anyone who can attend a Mass offered for the intention of Julian Lopez to help us thank the LORD for his Miracle Healing. The date is August 15, 2012 at 7:00 PM at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 106 SE 1st Drive, Homestead, FL 33030. This happens to be the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Maybe you can join us for a Rosary at 6:30. Please come help us celebrate a true miracle of God’s Grace. We may even have Julian there, God willing to Glorify the LORD with us.
The doctor reminds us again today that Julian is still in Critical condition but healing with miraculous speed. Sitting here watching Julian breathe through a pipe, hooked up to countless tubes and hoses, one can witness the seriousness of his condition and continue to pray with absolute diligence. We ask for continued prayers for Julian and the family battling the fatigue of a 24-hour vigil. We thank you for your love and support. As always, we remain,
Yours in Christ,
Thomas and Toni Cruz-Wiggins
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