Wigs Word of God Today
Universal Utterings for 11-22-2013
Father of the fatherless, defender of widows God in His Holy Abode, God gives a Home to the forsaken, who leads prisoners out to prosperity, while rebels live in the desert. Psalm 68:6-7
Jesus entered the temple area and proceeded to drive out those who were selling things, saying to them, “It is written, ‘My House shall be a House of Prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.’” Luke 19:45-46
First Maccabees 4:36-59, Psalm 68 & Luke 19:45-48
We all want a Home of Prayer where God protects us and elevates our beings to find His Will in each moment we live. Jesus entered Jerusalem unafraid of His plight willing to show force to make a statement. The sting of His whip created peace pleading by example to overcome the desire of profiting from His Father’s Truth. As One with the Father, they create their Spirit that dwells in the entirety of our being causing people who steal to become teachers overcoming the rebel who lives in the desert separated from community living in a “den of thieves.” Jesus had to be forceful as we must be when confronted with temptation rebuking evil for Truth clinging to the Bible in our hands. Jesus will send us to be the defenders of widows peace comforting them with practice, prayer and proclamation in the Spirits love of Charity.
I witness it often and write about my experiences here. The joy is sometimes indescribable by just being God’s Messenger but God instills confidence in all areas of assisting by just being a friend to a stranger as we work in other charity of our lives. I know God gives me the ability to listen and identify with the pain of others with compassion and hand felt comfort. I experienced this while working with the Habitat for Humanity recently. During a break, I noticed a man sitting on his porch next to the home we were working on. I ventured on over to say hello in Christ and spoke about love for a moment or two.
He introduced me to a neighbor who was Disabled America Veteran who needed help. As a member of the DAV myself, I work to help veterans in different ways. I spoke to him about the many challenges he was having witnessing first-hand his challenges. Answering the door in shorts and no shirt, here stood a man over six feet tall with no toes on either foot. His diabetic-led handicap has made it difficult to navigate an old bathroom. I offered to survey the bathroom with some men or women this Saturday wondering if anyone out there wants to pray at the abortion clinic with me Saturday from 7:30 to 8:00 and then venture up to I-95 to survey the work prepping for an early Saturday in December to return and do complete the job. Here, I believe is the real charity of our family, friends and communities of God’s love. Reach out if interested to join me. Let’s form a team of men and women and child who serve God with practice, prayer and proclamation by the very brain, hands and mouth to do more than live without lending a hand. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to defend the widows in Christ’s Name. Novena prayers day four for Edwin Hernandez of Lakewood, NJ. Novena prayers day nine for Doug P. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our prayers often each day. LORD from Psalm 68:6-7, I chant, “Father of the fatherless, defender of widows God in His Holy Abode, God gives a Home to the forsaken, who leads prisoners out to prosperity, while rebels live in the desert.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am surrendered in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Words we still hang on to seek– Luke 19:45-48
Whips He’d fashion
Cracking to Teach
The den thieves were askin’
In God’s House you preach
Out they were driven
There He would Teach
For days in submission
The Father’s Will He would reach
Priests with the Scribes seeking
The fulfillment to greet
Jesus fulfilled His season
Words we still hang on to seek
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins November 22, 2013 @ 5:10 AM EST
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