Wise is as Spirit leads young and old disobey

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Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 7-19-2015

Welcome to our 15 minute Sunday Episode at 8:30 AM on Closer Walk Media dot com. We welcome our listeners across the world. Today our practice, prayer and proclamation begins in;


Had I rejoiced at the destruction of my enemy or exulted when evil came upon him, Even though I had not allowed my mouth to sin by invoking a curse against his life— Had not the men of my tent exclaimed, “Who has not been filled with his meat!” No stranger lodged in the street, for I opened my door to wayfarers— Had I, all too human, hidden my sins and buried my guilt in my bosom Because I feared the great multitude and the scorn of the clans terrified me— then I should have remained silent, and not come out of doors! Job 31:29-34

Refrain from anger; abandon wrath; do not be provoked; it brings only harm. Those who do evil will be cut off, but those who wait for the LORD will inherit the earth. Wait a little, and the wicked will be no more; look for them and they will not be there. But the poor will inherit the earth, will delight in great prosperity. Psalm 37:8-11

You will be hated by all because of My Name, but whoever endures to the end will be Saved. Matthew 10:22

There are times when we feel we need to get even. Maybe we’ll plan a way to get back at someone until we find havoc in their world. Job referred to his treatment of those in need as people he never denied in helping much like the focus given in hurting seeing the need as Job to give as God gives; abundantly! To get even is to find victory amongst the righteous of the world where living to deny is never exchanged for retribution thrill.

The thrill of victory doesn’t come in squashing what doesn’t believe in a God who gave His Only Son for True Redemption. No, God expects much more than anger, attitude and aggression God expects Charity shared of Salvation for the love, faith and hope of living in Goodwill. Divine and human design will clash constantly until the Divine finds His Time to overcome provocation hidden in the sin of the world. Hide deny hell devise. Share dare Salvation prepared. Hated debated cherished mistake Truth relates. Amen.


Job 31 29 thru 34 Sins hidden human smitten guilt buried poise


Evil never exulted destruction rejoiced

Curse invoking sin mouth allowed not

Life exclaimed for men meat his given choice

Wayfarers found door open stranger cot spot


Sins hidden human smitten guilt buried poise

Bosom chalice Divine tolerance Truth be told

Multitude great feared clan scorn terrified noise

Behind closed doors silence remains consoled


Oh, that I had one to hear my case: here is my signature: let the Almighty answer me! Let my accuser write out his indictment! Surely, I should wear it on my shoulder or put it on me like a diadem; Of all my steps I should give Him an account; like a prince I should present myself before Him. Job 31:35-37

Glory in His Holy Name; let hearts that seek the LORD rejoice! Psalm 105:3

What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the Light; what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. Matthew 10:27-28

Job 31:35-40, Psalm Genesis 49:29-33; 50:15-24 & Matthew 10:24-33

Job demonstrates a confidence only received in surrendering every aspect of life to placing God First allowing goodness, glory and grace to ready himself for his final judgement. He knows not the moment of time when God will see him on his call of signature but he knows God will acquit him without worry, wonder or waste. Job is ready to wear it on his shoulder the indictment God will post across your page of life.

The world has chased away the beauty of faith garnered by prayer enjoying the hope practice brings in reading your Bible while proclaiming God’s love to the unlearned, unlived and unloved how God grants us peace in the times of waste issuing wonder over the worry of evil calls of your soul’s death kept alive by Christ’s Salvation. Rejoice here often during each day living always to get Satan behind you confidence Eternal. Amen.


Job 31 35 thru 40 Indictment written Almighty time unanswered


Indictment written Almighty time unanswered

Signature of Job ready case to advance her

Wisdom is the time Accuser puts you out to pasture

Garner the face of God shoulder love granted ever after


Presented prince account given steps of laughter

Weeping furrows crying land not approaching rapture

Payment given strength lived tenant rejoiced hearts hereafter

Then thorns produce wheat barley instead of stinkweed attacker


So Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, answered and said: I am young and you are very old; therefore I held back and was afraid to declare to you my knowledge. I thought, days should speak, and many years teach wisdom! But there is a Spirit in human beings, the Breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. It is not those of many days who are wise, nor the aged who understand the right. Therefore I say, listen to me; I also will declare my knowledge! Job 32:6-10

In Him we have Redemption by His Blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in accord with the riches of His grace that He lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight, He has made known to us the Mystery of His Will in accord with His favor that He set forth in Him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in Heaven and on earth. Ephesians 1:7-10

Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them. Mark 6:11

Job 32:1-10, Psalm Amos 7:12-15, Ephesians 1:3-14 & Mark 6:7-13

I remember taking control of a prayer when we came together for a departure that had many other people in attendance who were way more holier than I. I was on fire for the LORD and I wanted to make known how I felt about His Salvation to the masses not caring how others in attendance wanted to hear another pray as people would chime the same prayer over and over. I could imagine Elihu describing how he feels in the LORD where each breath seems to blow the embers of Truth resonating in the child’s soul. A feeling I relish as the newness of living God First every moment in Christ blowing smoke rings of righteousness each day by practice of living the Vapors of Christ in each Word.

This confidence for him to speak over his father and others his age was a bold move many a young lover of God would do when emulating the parental guidance set forth in the life of living for love, faith and hope. I was no different and I wanted to hear myself share the feeling I was resonating in Christ. We must grow in this example in relishing this practice avoiding not His Word in every thought, action and deed.  Elihu was right, “there is a Spirit in human beings, the Breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding. It is not those of many days who are wise, nor the aged who understand the right.” Being confident in Christ will allow you to share this Mystery.

Welcome to Universal Utterings and the poetry of placing God First in every ring of fire our breaths blow. I pray you enjoy God’s guidance in placing Him First for Christ as God gives me His Spirit led ravishment of His love to share as the Only God across the universe leads how Christ is feeding me what His Will is for peace, passion and purpose delivering poetry He creates through me for the greater good. Maybe God will place His Whisper in your ear by a rhyme echoing in the soul of shame seeking and searching for forgiveness. Place your worries here and find resolution to live poetic in Redemption.

No matter the sin no matter the humiliation I am here to proclaim His Charity by His Only Son Christ Jesus! You will discover in your daily walk with Christ in my poetic discernments here on Closer Walk Media dot com an ongoing translation of the Bible into poetry to captivate your mind, body and soul to know Jesus; to know Charity. You will hear me speak of Charity often to know “wisdom and insight” as the Way of Salvation for Eternal Life. There is favor and accord by living His Will in practice, prayer and proclaiming what God “has made known to us (by) the Mystery of His Will in accord with His favor.” Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray confidence comes from You LORD to share the Salvation of Eternal Life. Novena Prayers Day Seven for the sister of Laura Evans, Marie Prayers for my son Jeff. Prayers for Dr. Cruz†Peluca.  LORD from Acts 30:23 I chant; “Indeed I know that You (LORD) will return me to death to the House destined for everyone alive.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,

Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Job 32 One thru Ten Wise is as Spirit leads young and old disobey


Eyes your own quiet right known

Job made a boy give angrily wisdom shown

Elihu Ram Clan Buzite Barachel son grown

Your right is wrong if God loves plight sown


Old are you Job he would say

I am young you are grey

Afraid to speak wisdom we pray

Knowledge declare we age each day


Think thought days wisdom teach years prone

Beings human know the Spirit blown

Almighty breath understanding ingrown

Wise in days old understanding wellknown


Right in the wrong youth may display

Me listen boy young knowledge declared hooray

Aged not always right flowered wisdom bouquet

Wise is as Spirit leads young and old disobey


© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins July 12, 2015 @ 7:13 AM EST

® Universal Utterings is brought to you by God First Ministries, Inc.

A Not for Profit IRS Certified 501 (c) (3) Ministry SPAM controlled

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†


You can send prayer requests to closerwalkradio@yahoo.com. We will pray for your intentions daily as I do for my soul mate in Christ my beautiful wife Toni. I love you. Have an awesome day in the LORD!



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