Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 2-16-2014

Secure me LORD

Answer me when I call, my Saving God. When troubles hem me in, set me free; take pity on me, hear my prayer. Psalm 4:2

First Corinthians 2:6-10, Psalm 4 & Matthew 5:17-37

We all know how to call on God when we are in trouble but do we really call on Him when we are safe? God asks us to call on Him night and day in the midst of goodness or sorrow gathered in love or dismay seeking Truth by the faith, hope and love we live in charity. We cannot get away from the charity God calls all to participate in in every facet of living.

Daily we should look for ways to accomplish this charity unafraid of people unknown choosing Divine Outlook over public opinion. When we begin to believe God is a Saving God, we trudge forward in confidence He willhear my prayer” allowing my troubles to be cut loose from the hem of harassments be it reactions to food with sick stomachs or mistakes we make seeking selfish motives- call out to God and He will hear your prayer. Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray we will call on You LORD to overcome all adversity celebrating Your Truth to live in peace. LORD from Psalm 4:3-4, I chant, “How long, O people, will you be hard of heart? Why do you love what is worthless, chase after lies?” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Secure me LORD– Psalm 4


Appointed leader

Nothing sweeter

Instrument greeter

Strings feeder


David played

Instruments gave

Sounds rave

Prayer Saves


God to answer

David would agree

God hears call

Troubles set free


Pity on he

King David’s prayer

Heart so hard

People he cared


Long how

Time worthless

Lies now

Chasing useless


One faithful

Wonder endless

Works LORD

Hears dependents


Love to tremble

No more sin

Bitterly weeping symbol

Wailing hearts win


Sacrifices fitting offer

LORD you trust

Wisdom times better

Light shown us


Joyous heart

More abound

Peace asleep

LORD sound


Secure me LORD

Make me found

In You stored

Truth so sound


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 16, 2014 @ 8:46 AM EST

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