Wig’s Word of God Today 8-1-2012
Eternal Words for Eternal Life.
When I found Your Words, I devoured them; Your Words were my joy, the happiness of my heart, Because I bear Your Name, LORD, God of hosts. Thus the LORD answered me: If you come back and I take you back, in My presence you shall stand; If you utter what is precious and not what is worthless, you shall be My mouth. Then they will be the ones who turn to you, not you who turn to them. Jeremiah 15:16/19
Out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44c
Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21, Psalm 59 & Matthew 13:44-46
As a child growing up, I festered with the Word of God instead of embracing the Truth to guide my soul. When I found God’s Word, “I devoured them” methodically taking the time to “read between the lines” so to speak searching for answers of long ago. “Why am I here LORD?” “What is our purpose?” “Who are You LORD?” “When do You reveal Yourself?” “Where will this happen?” Some like to add the word “how” to the mix but I prefer to “W” everything by the ending sound of any word. You know, “Tommy Wommy” and “Toni Woni.”
Many of you might ask, “Did you find the answers in the Bible?” I found the need to slow down and engulf God’s Word instead of festering it from afar. I learned God was pleased to make mankind to “adore” Him living in communion with Him seeking not the how but the want of His Purpose. I learned to utter what is precious by God’s Truth seeking the worthless instead of uttering insignificant falsehoods that mask the “Beauty of Truth.”
I have begun to understand that I am His mouth bearing a Cross of Forgiveness granted to mankind for the absolution of sins. Something that calls us to be proactive in sharing and making sure these liberties never fail embracing what is granted by God these freedoms we hold so dear. As a people of faith, don’t we want the here-and-now to be harmonious in God’s Truth of never-ending love? It is the joy we feel that compels us to buy up the fields of life planting spoils of delicious fruit of Eternal Living. The Word of the LORD gives us the why, the what, the who, the when, and the where providing humanity with what we want; Eternal Life of Happiness. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to always want Your Word as our guide. We pray for Julian’s move to Rehab LORD. We pray day five of a Novena of prayers for Mesfin Zabrocki and Lucy Moreira to be healed LORD. We pray for the intentions of Kendall Peterson who I dedicate my poem to below. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
The Truth of God I am Breathing– In honor of Kendall Peterson (GBU!)
Superman was my mask
A covering I choose to grasp
As Adam and Eve lapsed
Hiding when God did ask
Why cover yourself from Me?
Do you hide from lust to be?
Convinced to hide from thee
An art form I mastered to see
My parents lacked true teaching
My wife protected my speaking
In Christ I learn what’s worth seeking
By God in Christ I am reaping
The Truth of God I am Breathing
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 1, 2012 @ 5:33 AM EST
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