Wig’s Word of God Today 10-20-2011
What profit did you get then from the things of which you are now ashamed? Romans 6:19:21a
Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. Luke 12:51
Romans 6:19-23, Psalm 1 & Luke 12:49-53
Sometimes I wonder why the embarrassment of sin doesn’t weigh on our soul as much as it does after the fact of personal discovery of surrendering it all to Christ. I personally can look back and feel such shame when I begin to recount the step-by-step sinful life I lead of selfish acts of indulgence. While the memory will sadden me, I am now forever optimistic because of living a life of following His Word. My smile represents His Truth and I know in my heart He has forgiven me by my repentance and life I lead in faith, charity and love. There is something no one can take away from you when you give your all to His Truth; God’s Love.
Last night my wife and I watched a video about miracles and five testimonies of how each miracle impacted their lives. People of faith are drawn to miracles I believe to strengthen our joy of being a God-fearing people but I believe we all love a good witness because we want to be able to share the effect God can have on everyday ordinary people. Each described such a love of Christ that amazed my heart in the midst of such personal tragedy.
There was a story of how the parents of a 17-year-old girl who was killed in a car wreck prayed to God prayers of thanksgiving for giving them 17 years with their beautiful daughter once learning of her death. The girl had just written a paper in school the day before about her love of Christ and the peace she felt living His Truth in Word. Her death has impacted countless people worldwide after her story was translated into a dozen different languages. Ordinary people praying for miracles and seeing God using their story of miraculous healings to change lives and establish His Truth in their hearts. Every story recounted the power of prayer. The most powerful tool in the world; God’s Will from prayer.
Jesus speaks of division today in Luke and it’s the kind of division we must all be prepared to embrace when we give our lives over to His Truth. The joy we receive in His love will overcome any separation of family or friends. We must be steadfast in our commitment to God ‘s Truth in living His Word in everything we do always praying for the lost souls of the world. Your commitment will be rewarded with Eternal Life and your prayerful love of a family’s surrender to His Truth will guide you no matter how your love of loving Christ Jesus will separate you from people of blood relation or friends who make selfish life decisions. Pray for a miracle and live in a miraculous state of Truth. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to live in righteousness for Your Way is the only Way to heaven. We pray the division encountered by our love of loving Your Son will be overcome by our prayers of faith, charity and love. We pray for miracles to give people hope in Your Truth. We pray for the children of the world to find Your Word and live in peace. We pray for the Women’s Emmaus Team of St. Louis and the candidates who will see His Truth mold their lives this weekend. We pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
The Fire of Christ’s Love to Accomplish All Needs- Luke 12:49-53
He came to baptize the world
A Fire of His Love to completely unfurl
The earth has seen the heat of Truth
His Death on a Cross is seen as proof
His anguish was great until His day
They nailed Him to a tree to obviously pay
For the sins of the world to eternally bleed
Blood covering our sin for all Eternity
He is the Prince of Peace causing havoc
Division of families may seem as tragic
His Truth enveloped their souls like magic
Peace comes from knowing His love to lavish
A house divided can help if you believe
In prayer to sustain their soulistic need
A daughter or son may live in selfish greed
Be steadfast in His Truth to Eternally receive
The Fire of Christ’s Love to Accomplish All Needs
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins October 20, 2011 @ 6:16 AM EST
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