We live as One family living God’s Will. “For whoever does the Will of my Heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Mathew 12:50

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 7-24-2012

We live as One family living God’s Will.

For whoever does the Will of my Heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother. Mathew 12:50

Micah 7:14-15, 18-20, Psalm 85 & Matthew 12:46-50

Many of you may notice that I always capitalize the “W” in “will” when I discuss living the Will of God for it is by this surrender to God’s Truth do we find His Will in everything we live. Jesus points out today that a natural kinship with Jesus counts for nothing; only one who does the Will of His Heavenly Father belongs to His true family. We become His True Family by living for His Father’s Glory in every instance our lives have to offer. Oh, you may think it’s hard to live for God and God alone, but in establishing this communion with God everything we embrace in life, i.e. our spouses, our children, our friends, and our career choices either confirms this bond or denies His very presence in every corner of our lives.

Now that your “Walk to Emmaus” weekend is over, it may feel kind of weird to you as you walk around “on fire” for the LORD and His Son’s love. This fire is Christ’s Light that will never burn out as long as you actively seek His Truth in all you do. I pray you all have your own “Bible in a Car Accident” story that allows you to share God’s Truth with complete strangers turning into life-long friends of Christ’s love. You may even be thinking as you walk past these complete strangers, “I wonder if they’ve ever felt like this?” It’s a peace and comfort Christ has instilled in your heart as the “bond of love” becomes connected.

I think you may agree that this bond didn’t come the moment you arrived last Friday but it transcended some time during the weekend when it “exploded” in your heart levitating your soul to places unknown but is as still and peaceful as the “Green Meadows of the Valley of Death.” Try and recall Tommy and Jody how they spoke to you about coming. Not once. Not twice. Not even three times but numerous times even up to the very last week. The experience is a directional piece for molding you, your family and the people around you as a “Child of God.”

You’ll now begin asking people to “come out and play” as a child of joy, justice and jubilation attempting to explain an underground weekend of finding the way to live in faith, hope and love embracing Christ’s forgiveness. This relationship with Jesus you will come to find is a call to action in thoughts, words and deeds. Becoming a “Jesus Freak” as some of us joked about is a good thing proudly shared as God’s Divine Plan for Humanity. It is our own “Walk to Emmaus” that teaches us to grow in Practice of His Word, in Prayer for His Promise and in Proclaiming to share His Joy of Redemption. Can you live the Will of God as His Child love? Will you rant, rave and recruit people to become a brother, sister or mother in Christ? It’s a community thing that starts in your home, then your town or city, then your state, then your country and ending across the world and our universe. Amen.

So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to live Your Will to live as Your Son’s brother, sister and mother. We pray LORD always for the complete healing of Julian. We pray our Walk to Emmaus glorifies You LORD. We pray day four of a Novena of prayers for Steve’s intentions. We pray for the intentions of Paul Lathen who I dedicate my poem below to. We pray for my forgiveness of missing Mass today from exhaustion. We pray all things in Christ’s Name. Amen.

God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!


A Great and Awesome God removes fear’s escape- Deuteronomy 7:12-21 In Honor of Paul Lathen- GBU!


Glorious is the obedience set forth by Him

Keeping His Ordinances allows us to win

A Covenant of Mercy granted for all time

No person barren of God’s love in the Divine


Sickness shall vanish adhering to nonbelievers

Sticking to those unfaithful as death receivers

My protection will be consuming forthright and true

Establishing a Truth Accord to live life anew


Signs and wonders during great testing of hate

Be not afraid of the children of waste

Hornets will sting the hiders of My fate

A Great and Awesome God removes fear’s escape


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins July 24, 2012 @ 6:18 AM EST


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