Wig’s Word of God Today 10-26-2012
To interpret seasons is nothing compared to see what is right and just in present circles.
Why do you not know how to interpret the present time? Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right? Luke 12:56c-57
Ephesians 4:1-6, Psalm 24 & Luke 12:54-59
The LORD describes His refining fire of division to separate the impurities of living to establish the Glory of God Himself in everything we do as He explains that to interpret a seasonal change is nothing compared to see what is right and just in present circles of populates. From then until this very moment in time, I believe a majority of humanity wants to live in faith, charity and love establishing a lasting surrender to God’s Sacred Love. The love we want from our God to live in peace establishing action of charity not a humanity of handouts to people lacking true need. We call out to God daily as we seek His Will to live for Him and only Him but even now we have a hard time interpreting the present time.
We look at each other in pretentious methods of charity as intentions of the heart align not with God’s Divine Will but that of a selfish heart not judging “for yourselves what is right.” We see something that people call division yet they may call it something they like. “Oh, I like what you stand for but she’s a friend.” This year more than ever we are called to separate our selfish desires for Godly desires to bring about true glory to God Himself. To vote right this time you might have to take a Godly and fearless stance allowing God’s Will to be successful in recommending we live in Truth.
I have spoken to many people who tell me they are Democrat but express desire to vote for me because of my stance on gay marriage more than Christian friends and contemporaries who state they are Republicans who have to vote for Ileana Ros Lehtinen because she’s a friend and the party’s choice. In my heart I believe anyone who thinks this way knows God is asking; “Why do you not know how to interpret the present time? Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?”
By allowing the Truth to prevail in voting for the right stance of God’s Word doesn’t mean you’ll split the party vote for the Democrats will align with God’s Truth too for we all know a majority of America at least are God Fearing people. You will not create division but create justice by voting for the candidate who represents the Truth God will shine His Glory upon. “The Word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
When I met Ileana recently for the very first time, I asked her to explain to South Floridians her stance on gay marriage, she cleverly put her arm around me and said walk with me screening the camera we were filming with and said all people need to be treated fairly. I stopped her then asking her to pray with me. I laid hands on Ms. Ros Lehtinen calling out to God asking Him to change her heart abiding in the Word of God. (watch video here http://youtu.be/z5-u0_WfEXk )
Now I ask you South Florida to look into your heart and abide by the Word of God and see the Glory God will shine upon His faithful in living for His Decrees and not a Party or friend. God asks us to pray for people who are lost not enable their cause of Secular Desires of the heart. I ask you to pray for her not condone her and vote your heart of God’s faith. Amen.
Let us fervently pray: Dear Father in Heaven, we pray we can interpret present time and judge our vote to what is Right in Your Eyes. We pray for the people my message today is meant for that they may see Your Light and vote what is Right. We pray for the voters to vote their faith and pray for our country’s future in Christ. We pray people get a fair chance to hear all people running for any office. Please pray for me as the forces of evil come upon my family in attempt for the Truth not to be told. We especially pray for my opponent to know God’s Truth. We pray in Christ’s Risen Name indeed. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Settling all matters by His Son’s delight– Luke 12:54-59
Jesus spoke the sign
Of the times so Divine
Rising out of the west
Rain to shower at best
Wind blowing from the south
A hot day to dry your mouth
Hypocrites living in sin
Interpreting not Truth to win
The present time to find
Decoding weather in kind
Not seeing what is right
In God we must be willing to fight
Why do we judge right in our sight?
Not knowing God’s Truth to plight
Settling all matters by His Son’s delight
Releases all shame resolving to sleep peaceful at night
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins October 26, 2012 @ 6:20 AM EST
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