Wigs Word of God Today
Universal Utterings
for February 7, 2016
I urge you on behalf of my child Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment, who was once useless to you but is now useful to [both] you and me. I am sending him, that is, my own heart, back to you. I should have liked to retain him for myself, so that he might serve me on your behalf in my imprisonment for the Gospel, but I did not want to do anything without your consent, so that the good you do might not be forced but voluntary. Philemon 1:10-14
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?” “Here I am,” I said; “send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.” When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed Him. Luke 5:10d-11
Philemon 1:10-14, Isaiah 6:8 & Luke 5:10d-11
Philemon hears further from Paul to accept Onesimus back as a Brother in Christ even labeling the slave as “my own heart.” Certainly the slave owner who is a believer of the Christ Who was Crucified for the forgiveness of sins would welcome him in “un abrazo” or hugs state of rejoicing yet Paul is hopeful he will return the slave to help his ministry through the aging years of faith where energy is sapped in the aches and pains of growing wise by the practice he undertook daily living the Word of God.
We all hear the initial voice of God’s calling mesmerized by the Spirit within another hoping to catch a spark of the fire God seems to be anointing in the voice and expressions of another. God wants you to be energized as Simon willing to drop it all for the sake of the Gospel he would soon learn more about by giving in to Christ surrender. The submission God asks of us can be scary wondering how I can let go of the world when the world has me by the heart gripping choices waged in lust or envy. Trust, trust God to be God and serve the goodwill of Charity, Peace and Salvation for love. Amen.
So we pray Lord help us give everything to You sharing Salvation to submit . Prayers for my Family of Goodwill across the world who listen on Roku devices and Closer Walk Media .com people like Janice Roberts and Dorene Sanders 7 praying for her niece in Mexico City expecting a baby and Asraf Bhegani listening in Azerbajan of Russia. Prayers for Dr. Cruz†Peluca OHAM. LORD from Philippians 4:4 I chant for all families across the world, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice!” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Philemon One 10 thru 14 Voluntary good forced not consent noble no blame
Imprisonment father to Onesimus slave
Believer he has become useful each day
Me or you he will work with as we pray
Heart own of Paul sending him on his way
Gospel imprisonment Paul adores as gain
Asking Philemon to allow Onesimus to remain
Representing Philemon as God’s work ordained
Voluntary good forced not consent noble no blame
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins February 7, 2016 @ 7:21 AM EST
® Universal Utterings is brought to you by God First Ministries, Inc.
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†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
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