Unseen footsteps in the powerful deep

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 4-30-2014

You are the God who does wonders; among the peoples You have revealed Your Might. With Your Mighty Arm You Redeemed Your people. Ps 77:15-16a

God so loved the world that He gave His Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have Eternal Life. Whoever lives the Truth comes to the Light, so that His works may be clearly seen as done in God. John 3:16, 21

Acts 5:17-26, Psalm 77 & John 3:16-21

We all find a different meaning in our hearts each time we read something in Scripture we have read before. John 3:16 is probably the most famous quote from the Bible that surely has the same effect on me every time I practice my faith by reading my Bible each and every morning. God sends wonders among His people in so many ways one would have trouble counting the blessings we all see each and every second of every moment of life. This is Truth to me the Redemption of His People by His Divine Design.

The Design of Him being the Judge and the Jury allowing mistakes in learning by the Light of works we are drawn to seeking the upright life of being holy as God Commands in His Word. He asks us to live by His Mighty Arm recognizing Him in our thoughts, actions and deeds of charity where the Light of Christ shines as a Beacon for the world. You are this beacon “clearly seen as done in God.” I am reminded of the song we should all live, “This little Light of mine I’m gonna let it shine.” Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray our light is Your Light of Truth. Prayers for listener’s intentions request across the world. Prayers for Rescate Prison Ministry and Kairos Prison Ministry of DCI#49. Greg Bishop has our never ending prayers. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD, from Psalm 77: 14 I chant, “Your Way, God, is holy; what god is as great as our God?” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Unseen footsteps in the powerful deep– Psalm 77


Crying loud to heaven

David starts seventy-seven

Psalm of groaning and begging

Asking has the LORD rejected him forever


Holy is the Way of God’s wonders

Might revealed heard in His thunder

Arm of Redemption increasing the world’s numbers

Trembling depths our seas of blunder


Led by Aaron and Moses through the sea

Unseen footsteps in the powerful deep

Hungry for freedom our path complete

Flock led to the Promise Land retreat


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 30, 2014 @ 4:44 AM EST

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