Three words wonder Free friends fortify

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 3-20-2015

Inquire of the former generations, pay attention to the experience of their ancestors—As we are but of yesterday and have no knowledge, because our days on earth are but a shadow— Will they not teach you and tell you and utter their words of understanding? Job 8:8-10

Let our strength be our norm of righteousness; for weakness proves itself useless. Let us lie in wait for the Righteous One, because He is annoying to us; He opposes our actions, Reproaches us for transgressions of the Law and charges us with violations of our training. Wisdom 2:11-12

(Jesus said,) “No one works in secret if he wants to be known publicly. If you do these things, manifest yourself to the world.” For his brothers did not believe in Him. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but the time is always right for you. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify to it that its works are evil.” John 7:4-7

Job 8:8-10, Wisdom 2:1-22 & John 7:1-30

When we look back over history, we see the Holy Ones telling their surroundings that ultimately took over the world the Thoughts of God by the wisdom God inundates in those who believe. We learn God allows all mankind to win or lose in the self He created to be governed in a Law of goodwill represented only in peace. He will oppose some of the things we want to do but allow many before discovering the results of love, faith and hope is the reason for every thought, action and deed of Charity who is Christ the King.

Let our strength be our norm of righteousness; for weakness proves itself useless” in the Charity God gave to forgive and fathom Eternal Peace. In Christ, I feel the Everlasting joy of calm in the havoc personal decisions can make when God isn’t placed First in each and every discovery, desire and detriment. I am not void of feeling or experiencing these things in every aspect of my training yet I see the Light at the end of life’s tunnel I cannot ignore nor stop thinking about by my fear of nothing the world can do to me only what God will satisfy in every want, worry and wonder of tomorrow’s last breath lying in wait for Salvation. Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray to pay attention to generations past. Prayers for Kairos Prison #50. Prayers for my son Jeff. Prayers for Dr. Cruz†Peluca.  LORD from Job 6:28 I chant; “Come, now, give me your attention; surely I will not lie to your face.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,

Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Job Eight Eight to Ten Three words wonder Free friends fortify


Generations past question

Seek their advice

Three words wonder

Free friends fortify


Experience attention given

Knowledge none advise

Shadow earth existence

Taught words notify


Perceptive utterance supplies


© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins March 20, 2015 @ 5:31 AM EST

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