Those who hope in Yahweh will regain their strength, they will sprout wings like eagles, though they run they will not grow weary, though they walk they will never tire. Isaiah 40:31

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-12-2012

Never tire with God as your guide.

Those who hope in Yahweh will regain their strength, they will sprout wings like eagles, though they run they will not grow weary, though they walk they will never tire. Isaiah 40:31

Shoulder My yoke and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29

Isaiah 40:25-31, Psalm 103 & Matthew 11:28-30

I can’t think of a better Teacher in the whole wide world that that of the Son of God. We set our hope in a God that will never let us grow weary while we run from one place or another excluding God learning from our mistakes as we regain our strength and soar as eagle over the valleys of life. What president once said, “Only when you’ve been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is on top of the highest mountain.”

In the deepest of valleys you find the people who ache for the magnificence of the mountain top and here is the place we as followers of Christ must seek the lost, lonely and languished in the valley’s gutters below. We must show that we never tire as we practice, pray and preach to overcome all exhaustive persuasions of our life living as Jesus described “gentle and humble in heart” finding “rest for your souls.” We can only learn by action to accomplish His Will of true rest amongst the rat racers of life. Regain your strength, your satisfaction and your search to “never tire” with God as your guide. Amen.

Join me in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to know Your strength when we are weary living humble and gentle in Your Truth. We pray day seven of a Novena for John Martin’s healing and peace. Prayers for all the people who have asked us to pray for them and for all those we said we’d pray for. Praying for Greg Bishop undergoing liver cancer treatment in Texas. We pray for his strength as well as his wife’s Kim. We are free in Christ LORD and we thank You. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Romans 8:28 Genesis 17:13


Presuming to speak to God to earn His Eternal Trust- Genesis 18


Yahweh spoke at the Oak of Mamre

Squashing time Sarah will bear a son for thee

Nothing impossible of Yahweh to see

His Truth breaks her laugh of baby to be


Sodomseemed to be causing sinful havoc of lust

Yahweh includedGomorrahwho’d lost their touch

Abraham saved them for sake of the people just

Presuming to speak to God to earn His Eternal Trust


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 12, 2012 @ 4:44 AM EST

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