This is the nation that will neither listen to the voice of Yahweh its God nor take correction. Sincerity is no more; it has vanished from their mouths. Jeremiah 7:28

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 3-15-2012

This is the nation that will neither listen to the voice of Yahweh its God nor take correction. Sincerity is no more; it has vanished from their mouths. Jeremiah 7:28

Anyone who is not with Me is against Me; and anyone who does not gather in with Me throws away. Luke 11:23


Jeremiah 7:23-28, Psalm 95 & Luke 11:14-23


The right conduct for humanity comes not from rituals but by following God’s Commands as a daily practice of expected behavior God instilled in our souls from the beginning of time. I for one feel compelled to not throw away the beauty of God’s Word on selfish acts of disrespect but rather gather in the souls of suppressed knowledge of His Truth to share His Way of an Eternal Redemptive Life of surrender.


In brevity I pray to harness your desire to keep living the Word of God. As a nation, we seem to only listen to the voice of Yahweh when we need something as if sincerity was not called on to be a daily act of living God’s Will. In the darkest hour of life’s last breath, we must turn our surroundings of shadows into beams of Light never allowing His Truth to vanish from our mouths. We must embrace His Love as much as we share His Love. Until the day we die. Amen.


Dear Heavenly Father, we pray to listen to Your voice and heed the Truth Your Word guides us to be. We pray the blanket prayer for all intentions LORD. You know our hearts and souls of Your Will. We say a prayer for Marlene Carter’s healing. We pray for “40 Days of Life.” We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for all people. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


Banished Words Faithfulness- Jeremiah 7:23-28


I struck out a command

My people will listen to Me say

Obey each rule I command thee

To prosper and grow in My ways


Obeying was not the sincerity of the day

Hardened hearts will learn to pay

For their sins of disloyalty and hearsay

Turning their backs and faces in dismay


Untiringly I have sent Truth to be told

Laughing and ugly was taught to take hold

Not heeding the messengers Truth of Gold

A nation void of ears of Truth rarely spoke


Banished Words Faithfulness Must Be Truly Bold


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins March 15, 2012 @ 5:18 AM EST

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