Wigs Word of God Today 3-27-2013
Enjoy today’s study in a podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com
No lie to disease in soul’s He would please.
Then Judas, His betrayer, said in reply, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?” He answered, “You have said so.” Matthew 26:25
Isaiah 50:4-9, Psalm 69 & Matthew 26:14-25
The difficult task of responding to anyone by wearing white even just a little is the biggest falsehood our souls can endure. Why people lie when the Truth is obvious reminds me of how people treat liars as someone being brushed aside just as Christ did to Judas labeled “his betrayer” by Matthew, “You have said so.” We think the lie natural moving into one “little white lie” after another fornicating our brains to believe ugliness and sin benefits us somehow to get ahead or delay sadness and distress.
Judas selfishly complied with Christ unknowingly fulfilling Divine Destiny destroying a soul who may have never repented but instead gave the money back and hung himself dying the deepest form of regret by suicide. “Flinging the money into the temple, he departed and went off and hanged himself.” Matthew 27:5 If only we’d face the Truth by laying aside our selfish pretentions of civil character and live up to the standards God instituted in His Word, we’d come to find a driven need to live in charity abiding in Divinity’s Love.
We’d wear white as a sign of his Truth living not as a betrayer but a believer in His Redemption of Forgiveness seeking to share Christ Crucified and Risen for the sins of the world. Here, we find the Truth by faith driven in eye witness accounts. The Core of Christ’s Way was given to us by His Life, Death and Resurrection. Nothing to run and hide from by self-reclusion or self-annihilation. Jesus died for us all. Recorded. Received. Redemption. Released. No lie to disease in soul’s He would please. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today we never lie and deny Your Truth. Day 9 of a Novena for Joelle Metro. Praying for Kairos. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has constant prayers. Prayers of healing for David Thorpe in Trauma Burn Center. LORD from Psalm 49:4-5 I chant,” My mouth shall speak words of wisdom, my heart shall offer insights. I will turn my ear to a riddle, expound my question on a lyre.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
The Christ for the Father you’d comply– Matthew 26:14-25
He was one of the Twelve
A Disciple called Judas who fell
According to the Divine Will of God to tell
Who the Christ was by a kiss he’d foretell
So Chief Priests what will you exchange
The head of Jesus of whom you complain
I will hand him over to you without shame?
Thirty pieces of silver for His death he ordained
Every opportunity began to exist
Of when he’d hand over His bounded wrist
Bound to face a Crucifixion fix
Sins of humanity forgiven to list
Where should we prepare the Passover Meal?
The Disciples encounter to Christ a big deal
Into the city you will find nothing to steal
For a certain man knows the appointed time draws near
As ordered they left and prepared the Feast
At evening they came and reclined all Twelve at peace
While eating Jesus said one of you will betray me at least
Distressed deeply God’s Will would complete
The Redemption of Sins for Humanity’s conclave
By the man I dip my morsel is the one who betrays
Woe to that man for how he has behaved
Better not to be born than make money your slave
Judas labeled His betrayer said in reply
Surely it is not I, Rabbi?
You have said so to deny
The Christ for the Father you’d comply
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins March 27, 2013 @ 5:40 AM EST
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