Wigs Word of God Today 3-24-2013
Enjoy today’s study in a podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com
Abiding in God’s Will He would shout– Palm Sunday Ride Luke 19:28-40
The LORD God has given me a well-trained tongue, That I might know how to answer the weary a word that will waken them. Morning after morning He wakens my ear to hear as disciples do; The LORD God opened my ear; I did not refuse, did not turn away. Isaiah 50:4-5
He humbled Himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a Cross. Philippians 2:8
Then He took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My Body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of Me.” And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the New Covenant in My blood, which will be shed for you. Luke 23:19-20
Procession today is from Luke 19:28-40, Isaiah 50:4-7, Psalm 22, Philippians 2:6-11 & Luke 22:14—23:56
Sometimes we end up in places God Willfully guides us to in thought sending us by whispering elegance into action being as many might put, “in the right place at the right time.” I prefer to say, “being in God’s place all the time” aligning my well-trained tongue with God’s efforts, elegance and energy to listen to His Word every day focusing complete surrender of prayer obedient to proclaiming His Word. You can see the need in people’s face of the Truth they crave for but are hesitant until offered Christ’s affection to their lonely moment or confused state of connection.
We often serve the different retreats locally abiding in Christ’s willingness to serve anyone anytime anywhere offering our time and tenacity sharing insights and love of service. We served such a retreat yesterday hearing the story of faith, hope and love of charity by men who needed each other. One of the original members shared his memories of their Walk to Emmaus was purposely laid to serve one another in the humility Christ showed laying down on a Cross taking upon Himself the sins of all for all time.
I found myself drawn to the loner in the group standing amongst the men at break with a face I’d describe as puzzled. I stopped as I began to walk past him and just talked for a bit. He’s been away from the Church I learned with a toddler son aching for his love from a divorce. Oh, how I felt that connection of hurt and worry. You could say, “I was in the right place at the right time” but I knew I was in God’s Place at God’s Time. I gave him a prayer card and shared how much God loves him and his boy and the boy’s mom. I said Christ’s Arms are always open where you can find pressures relieved by confession and oneness receiving the Eucharist He offered us to touch His Truth abiding in Communion with His Will.
His laugh became real and his smile was pure thanksgiving as many of us do when ache for commonality in sharing the burdens of life’s disappointment as well as gains. I pleaded with him to make the connection with his child in God celebrating his Catholic Roots with pride centered on Christ’s love and mercy. “Place God First” I said. “All else will fall into place.” Here, is where humanity must begin again and again and again lifting every generation to love God’s Son celebrating our only lifeline to Heaven and Eternal Life; Jesus! Amen.
This day we celebrate the ride of a colt Jesus took with palms a fanning where the Son of God in His Mercy of Grace given in His Spirit also left us the physicalness of His Body and Blood in such a Way that only by real faith will you come to understand the real presence of Christ’s Body and Blood as commanded by Him soon after the ride at the Last Supper. Where Jesus gave us the right to be sanctified, searched and soothed by the mystery of God’s Grace.
“He took the bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My Body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of Me.” Luke 22:19
I often wonder why the beauty of the Mass and its Truth Centered Acclamation of Christ’s Command by God’s Word is not celebrated more in other Christian churches around the world. Your life as much as your worship is centered on Jesus, right? His Body given to us is how we become even closer to Christ’s energy, enthusiasm and efforts of the Father’s Will. Be in the right place at the right time always by living in God’s Place all the time by practice, prayer and proclaiming a life in Christ receiving the Eucharist as often as you can. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today we can live in humility being willing to serve by our love of Your Son. Day 6 of a Novena for Joelle Metro. Praying for Kairos. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 66:16-17 I chant, ” Come and hear, all you who fear God, while I recount what has been done for me. I called to Him with my mouth; praise was upon my tongue!” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
Abiding in God’s Will He would shout– Palm Sunday Ride Luke 19:28-40
Jerusalem drew near
Jesus showed no fear
The B&B called near
The Mount of Olives to steer
Two Disciples He sent to abide
Into the village to find the hide
Of a colt tethered to a pole
The Master has needs you know
How the colt which has never been sat
He will climb upon to enter His last
The Jerusalem that will soon call Him a rat
On the road people fanned Him as they gasp
Praising God aloud with joy
The King was announced with noise
A King coming in God’s Name
Glory and honor announced without shame
Some Pharisees gave him some lip
Rebuke Your Disciples they quipped
In reply it was hard to deny
His Omnipotence reigning in the sky
Jesus offered the Truth to be out
Abiding in God’s Will He would shout
The praise of the Father’s He’d rout
“I tell you, if they keep silent the stones will cry out!”
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins March 24, 2013 @ 6:25 AM EST
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