Wig’s Word of God Today 10-10-2012
The prayer to follow away from temptation and evil to embrace forgiveness and Truth.
He was praying in a certain place, and when He had finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “LORD, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples.” Luke 11:1
Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14, Psalm 117 & Luke 11:1-4
Jesus truly gave us unlimited examples to pray as He did in today’s reading allowing us to be one with His Truth but many would agree the Our Father surely is His most recited prayer of all time. Many of us probably repeat the prayer often during the day reminding us we must be forgiving in every instance life has to offer not being overzealous when it comes to living in compassion, clemency and corrosiveness.
We should be compassionate in every situation living in humble servitude to God’s Divine Plan. We should offer clemency to each other for the mistakes we make out of regard for the forgiveness Christ bestows on us by His Sacrifice on the Cross. We should always control our tempers never allowing ourselves to lose control when it comes to envy and pride. God’s love for us all gave us the prayer to follow away from temptation and evil to embrace forgiveness and Truth. Amen.
Let us pray: Dear LORD, we pray today we can live according to Your Son’s taught prayer of peace and forgiveness. We begin a novena of prayers for the baby girl born last week to the homeless girl. We welcome in prayer the NJ Emmaus group. We pray in Christ’s Risen Name indeed. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Our Father’s Prayer seeks No Shame– Luke 11:1-4
We can find Him in words
In Heaven above His Worth
Hallowed is His Name
Father of all the same
He gives us as we ask
The bread for each daily task
Allowing our bodies to feed
On the food we do receive
Each has trespassed on some
Even in blind greedy fun
Not knowing who you hurt
Forgiveness to truly convert
He even forgives those who hurt you
Seems hard at first to really do
Believe He forgave the worst in life
Only you have to come to terms with the strife
Away from temptation you will go
By the practice of God’s Word you sow
Giving your all to love and disdain
Of all evil your selfishness will claim
For in Heaven above glory reigns
Real advice for earthly pains
He is the Power and Glory of fame
Now and forever the Truth in His Name
Our Father’s Prayer seeks No Shame
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins October 10, 2012 @ 5:51 AM EST
Before we can live together in an eternal community, we must be assured that there is nothing within us or others that might escalate or evolve into problems in the future. After all it would not be paradise if we continue to bring up all of our old issues among one another.
When we leave the earth…we go through our life review. We are encouraged to seek our own justice and atonement by going to the parties we have hurt in our lives and asking them to tell us what they want from us in order to make amends. People out there, Solamenta will await the arrival of those on earth that they have committed transgressions against… if they are not already out there in order to make their amends; provided that is, if they are inclined to do so. For example… it’s a humiliating experience for a man to go to his best friend from the earth and confess to him that he had an affair with his wife, stole something from him, cheated him, talked behind his back etc. This is one of the reasons that many wives and husbands don’t continue their relationships out there.
Forgiveness is a concept, granted it is a sterile and morose concept but nevertheless, it has flourished in spite of the fact there is little if any strength behind the words “I forgive you”. These words mean in essence, let’s forget about it. Forgiveness is a concept that has outlived its time!
Instead, let’s consider a more logical approach to resolving our differences….
Hated enemies who find themselves fighting on the same side, become brothers on the battlefield because they are necessary for each other’s survival. When we understand from a logical perspective that you and I are necessary for each other’s eternal survival, we no longer need to say the words, “I forgive you,” but rather, “I understand how badly we need each other”!