The Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is His Name. Luke 1:48

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-22-2012

Clearly living virtue’s Truth delight?

There is no Holy One like the LORD; there is no Rock like our God. 1st Samuel 2:2

The Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is His Name. Luke 1:48

First Samuel 1:24-28, First Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8 & Luke 1:46-56

To experience the LORD in fellowship is a beautiful thing but to see the LORD in everything you do walking with Him every step of the Way brings about an even closer relationship with God establishing the right God instilled in the world knowing sin more clearly living virtue’s Truth delight. Yes, I said it, Virtue’s Truth Delight! The work of God isn’t work to ignore anymore. God’s work is to implore your thoughts, actions and deeds announcing over and over again, “There is no Holy One like the LORD; there is no Rock like our God.” “My LORD and my God” work me in Your Truth by what I think no matter where I am.

It’s an experience to witness amongst the incarcerated our Kairos ministry visits once a month when a man jailed for God knows how long says, “I’d rather be in jail giving my life to Christ than be on the outside living in sin.” Profound stress to overcome for some: the life of deceit, lust and greed ending in death by unmentionable means. I’ve seen it grab souls and torture them into skin and bones. I’ve seen God squash every ounce of desire to sin bringing forth a faithful, fruitful and focused foundation of living His Word shouting, “The Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is His Name.”

I long for this connection with God as much as you do. I tell Him over and over again I’m sorry for my sins and it hurts to the point of tears trembling hands raised above in flight searching for Christ’s Light of faith, hope and love. I know in my heart once you see it and live it by humble submission you will share in God’s Virtue Truth Delight. Oh, what a De-Light! Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to announce Your Holy Name in all we do. I’m beginning a vigil for my life-long friend Greg Bishop. Please call out his name during your days of praying. Prayers are everlasting for God to give us a sign to lead us home. I’m ready, are you? Prayers for our Kairos group and the men living in bars but free in You. Praying for all the men calling out to us for prayers. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Romans 8:28 Luke 1:46-47


A kinsmen than a stranger will do– Genesis 28-29


Isaac sends Jacob to seek a wife in Paddan-Aram

Reminded not to marry a Hittite woman

Esau watched him go to find his wife

So Esau went and married Mabalath daughter of Ishmael to fight


Jacob went and worked for Laban

His kinsmen the uncle working for none

Laban asked why are you working for free?

Jacob replied to marry your daughter you see


It is better to give my daughter to you

A kinsmen than a stranger will do

For seven years he worked for Laban

Expecting Rebekah his due


At the seventh year Jacob asked for his bride

A wedding feast was given and he was taken for a ride

Leah was the one he married unknown

The next day he asked why he was tricked after sown


Laban explained the custom was not complete

The eldest must marry first to be his treat

After one week you may marry Rebekah too

And his marriage was set to give seven more years in lieu


Jacob had children by Leah alone

God has shown mercy to her unloved by Jacob and shunned

In love with Rebekah he made his retreat

But Leah had God’s favor and three children total were at her feat


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 22, 2012 @ 5:15 AM EST

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