Wig’s Word of God Today 9-15-2012
The LORD’s Consideration, Confiscation and Conductation? A Reporter’s Response.
You cannot drink the cup of the LORD and also the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the LORD and of the table of demons. Or are we provoking the LORD to jealous anger? Are we stronger than He? First Corinthians 10:21-22
First Corinthians 10:14-22, Psalm 116 & John 19:25-27
I wonder why sometimes we try and serve the demonic side of life and the essence of God’s Spirit all in one sitting. We wrap our arms the LORD while eagerly looking back at the Devil like a grinning iguana looking for a thrill. Our chameleon like colors glowing with desires we seem to be unable to control. It’s like people lying to get something more important than anything else; a position, information, a mate or even a best friend. We all seem to fall short when we try to obtain things by not speaking the Truth when asking, telling or explaining the answer to any question given.
I’ve got it, maybe that’s why “they” say we shouldn’t mix politics with religion but we still see politics running religion. Because if we let our morals instilled by the God’s Truth guide our every thought, action and deed, “they’ll” lose the ever changing colors of the chameleon-like sinner. You know, the ones who want to serve God but still say “all” of His Word isn’t correct. I’ve found it better to shine for God’s Mercy than to change colors because the wind of sin aroused my nostrils of desire. We all make mistakes and get overzealous about things as we all chime in, “We’re all sinners.”
Nevertheless, we still can overcome all of them by true repentance in admission, sorrowfulness and declaration to God that you know His Son and stand by His Word in every consideration, confiscation and conductation. I’ve recently seen this from a person who said they were a student journa?ist from the University of Miami. They asked if they could do a story on me “quickly” before a deadline for the upcoming election asking several questions by email. After agreeing she could email me her requests, I answered them all deciding to check the person out before sending the answers back requesting instead a one-on-one conversation as well as a call from their editor. They stopped asking for a “quick” response and have opted to remain silent. No turnaround emails in two hours just silence.
We find the opposition struggling to consider just a call of introduction seeking confiscation of my conduct in chameleon-like colors of peccadillo. Could anyone be that scared for considering their stance on gay marriage could bring them down? Are the people of the world seeking theft and treason by confiscation from our leaders? Will you make our country a better place by your conduct living your “Faithful Citizenship” of talent, trust and truthfulness? “You cannot drink the cup of the LORD and also the cup of demons.”
My brother John and I agree that lying to serve God is the worst color you can wear masking sin of deceit, deception and death. For we all know sin leads you to death while righteousness leads you to God’s Glory. Please use your God-given talent to vote your subconscious of God’s Word. Please trust your instinct and vote God’s Word. Please be truthful to your heart, your conscious and your future generation of child voices knowing not immorality but morality, tolerance and Truth. Amen.
Let us pray: Dear LORD, we pray today to drink from Your Cup always avoiding the demons with colors of gold. LORD, I’m praying today You will instill in our hearts to vote what is right not what is wrong. You LORD know our hearts as we pray to Glorify You in all things. Make us unafraid of placing You First allowing every breath to be for You. We are thankful today for forgiveness amongst people of love. We pray for the world’s faiths to be respectful of each other’s opinions in film, literary and spoken environments. We pray for the unrest LORD You see from heaven across our great world. We are thankful LORD in practice, prayer and preaching. Jesus Christ is Risen! We pray in His Precious Name indeed. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Consideration, Confiscation and Conductation’s Fest- A Repor?er’s Denial
It seems easy to me to say
What’s your reason to stay?
My word in consideration to pay
For treason unrestful hay day
In the need of information Divine
You must ask according to mine
The confiscation of words confines
Leaves the Truth in darkness undermined
This conduct leaves nothing to impress
Only the Truth void in your breast
If even, you’d lose like all the rest
Revert to Truth in forgiveness to pass the test
Consideration, Confiscation and Conductation’s Fest
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins September 15, 2012 @ 5:48 AM EST
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