Wig’s Word of God Today 11-22-2011
Teacher, when will this happen? And what sign will there be when all these things are about to happen? Luke 21:7
Daniel 2:31-45 & Luke 21:5-11
Many Christian Scholars believe Luke was sharing with people of faith to maintain the love of Christ’s Teachings on a day-to-day basis focusing on the love and direction of God’s Word in everyday life to avoid evil. I believe all of mankind would like to know when the Second Coming of Christ will be so they can be prepared completely but God instructs us to be a people who are ready at a moments notice. There is many a sermon now-a-days that focuses on the Second Coming trying to predict when God will come and swoop His Mighty Arm and eliminate the needless sinful humans of the world. Some may point to the destruction in different parts of the world as a Divine Sign from Heaven above but I say follow the Word of God by example in living and understand good-naturedly what God is asking you to do in living by faith, charity and love.
Be a sign for people to know His Truth by what you wear, what you live and the people you surround yourself with for His Glory. Allow this sign of your love of loving Christ Jesus to be an example for people to know they can ask questions of how they can find faith in His Truth, how charity can be accomplished and how to live life in love for the Glory of the Father. Sunday morning when I was in Gainesville having breakfast with my wife and son, a man walked over to me in the parking lot as we were leaving and asked for some help. As we talked and prayed by his car with his wife after giving them some breakfast, he told me my Emmaus shirt I was wearing drew him to me. I responded as I hugged him tightly saying, “God is more than a shirt you see. He is the life you can lead.”
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today we are always ready to go at a moments notice never being afraid of where You LORD will take us. We pray LORD for the people of the world who are in need and are seeking the Truth You have for us to follow in Your Word. We pray today for the children of the world and the people drawn to teach them Your love. We pray for LIFE FM to be God’s voice in South Florida. We pray for Prayer Point to draw people to pray for our great country. We pray for the Spirit to guide our peacefulness to accept the things we cannot change, bravery in God to change the things we can, and intelligence of Christ’s Truth to know the difference. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
The Second Coming Of Jesus is For People of Faith- Luke 21:5-11
People spoke how the Temple was adorned
By stones and votives that seemed to be the norm
Jesus noted all you see here will one day be gone
No stone left unturned all being thrown down
Each wanted to know when this will happen
Teacher can you share the time and the date?
Will there be a sign to allow us to relate?
Do not be deceived by false sayings they will state
Many will be saying I am he and the time has come
You will see nation rise against nation and son against son
Earthquakes and famine will spread from place to place
Believe and be ready when the sky opens in your face
The Second Coming Of Jesus is For People of Faith
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 22, 2011 @ 6:33 AM EST
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