Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for 10-26-2013
Those who live according to the flesh are concerned with the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit with the things of the Spirit. The concern of the flesh is death, but the concern of the spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6
He said to him in reply, ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.’ Luke 13:8-9
Romans 8:1-11, Psalm 41 & Luke 13:1-9
Say aloud with me, “peace resolves around the Word of God.” Come on, say it aloud with me, “Peace resolves around the Word of God.” It sounds so cliché but only you can find Christ’s Peace in your heart- not your family, friends or foes will give you life and peace. It comes naturally from following the Word of God. There is peace in my life because of God’s Word. I can feel Him guiding me and questioning me to know something different in the midst of chaos- calm amidst the storm. I seek Him daily in His Word by the practice I lead the day speaking prayer and close the day with in silent meditation always being thankful asleep in God’s Arms of peace.
Oh, man, I have sin pulling me from my past as I lead a Christ-like surrender now coming from the flesh erased by the Spirit. There’s not one of us who are clean of sin from our past or present, it’s how you deal with sin in every moment by enveloping your life in His Spirit. Just as Paul directs us through the Romans by the Spirit then, for humanity today he shows us the Way. We can all help in the cultivation of others by cultivating ourselves in the practice; prayer and preaching God call us all to do every second of every day. I’m sooooo sorry for slipping in the past as I say I’m sorry to my grievances to celebrate the graces God has in-store for those who believe today. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to live in the Spirit cultivated by Your Written Truth. Novena prayers day nine for Tommy and his family. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our prayers often each day. LORD from Psalm 41:5,13, I chant, “Even I have said, “LORD, take note of me; heal me, although I have sinned against You. In my integrity may You support me and let me stand in Your presence forever.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am surrendered in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Submitting pleasing not how to guess– Romans 8:1-11
Condemnation’s end
Christ did send
Jesus to blend
Death and sin
Flesh we grin
Sinful friend
Sin condemned
Flesh to offend
Law of righteousness
Decree of blessedness
Fulfilled companionship
Spirit is peace, life and hopefulness
Hostility comes from flesh
Towards God’s Eternal rest
Submitting pleasing not how to guess
Contrary to giving your best
Christ’s Spirit him He belongs
You have Christ righteousness loud and strong
Dwell in He Who rose Christ to long
Body Mortal Spirit Life Christ No Wrong
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins October 26, 2013 @ 5:45 AM EST
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