Wigs Word of God Today
Universal Utterings for 2-7-2014
With his every deed he offered thanks to God Most High, in words of praise. With his whole heart he loved his Maker. Sirach 47:8
Sirach 47:2-11, Psalm 145 & Mark 6:14-29
King David reminds me of how many of us feel at this very moment in our lives captivated by the love of God allowing Truth to find our soul’s purpose. The Prophet today speaks of David’s surrender as I remind you he made mistakes too. Big mistakes but he always repented asking God to show him Truth in every blink of his eye. While we strive not to make mistakes, they occur in our weakest moments denying the effort it takes not to and simply be Truthful. It hurts and you know when it happens as soon as you do it or say it for lies are more than words they are facts about every moment of your life.
Days of Old have drifted away by the openness of this Truth telling in today’s world where openness about abortion to sexuality apparently even down to the darkest of mankind’s infection of sin is worn on the sleeves of most of humanity. I will say I’m sorry over-and-over again by the life I lead to carry faith, hope and love as the openness God asks all to live. God tells us not to condone but pray for sinners openly holding arms wide reminding them Salvation awaits those who allow Truth to infect their soul. Saying I’m sorry for having offended Thee goes a long way in the eyes of God. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray we offer thanks with every deed we give. Novena prayers day four for the soul of Gerry Shugrue and her husband Pat’s peace. Novena prayers day seven for WPRG Radio International as I begin broadcasting my love of His Word on an international radio station. Novena prayers day eight for the St Louis Emmaus attendees. Constant prayers for TD. Greg Bishop has our never-ending prayers. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD from Psalm 145:21, I chant, “My mouth will speak the praises of the LORD; all flesh will bless His Holy Name forever and ever.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am surrendered in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Speak by mouth and life of my God I openly praise– Psalm 145
David blessed by Truth
Blessing His Name never a truce
Praise grandeur understanding
Works mighty only deeds commanding
Splendor glory majestic awesome acts
Goodness abounding justice in facts
Words are words Truth is not lax
All receive good forgiveness His Max
Merciful works His daily ways
Feared by Truth if ignored or delayed
Him we must love for the wicked He pays
Destroyed by a life discounting God each day
Speak by mouth and life of my God I openly praise
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 7, 2014 @ 4:47 AM EST
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