Wig’s Word of God Today 1-29-2013
Enjoy today’s study in a podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com
We accept Jesus as the acknowledged sacrifice for sin once and for all.
Since the law has only a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of them, it can never make perfect those who come to worship by the same sacrifices that they offer continually each year. Hebrews 10:1
A crowd seated around Him told Him, “Your mother and your brothers [and your sisters] are outside asking for You. ”But He said to them in reply, “Who are My mother and [My] brothers?” Mark 3:32-33
Hebrews 10:1-10, Psalm 40 & Mark 3:31-35
The true beauty of the Word of God is the explanations given for us to reason our minds to let our hearts let go and surrender to God’s Only Son to live in forgiveness experiencing faith, hope and love every second of every day of our life. Today Paul explains why the people who follow Jesus grasps that the Old Testament sacrifices did not effect the divine benefits to come but only foreshadowed them. The sacrifices effected nothing in forgiveness of sin for there would be no need for constant repetition. These sacrifices offered up on a regular basis was an incessant recap of the sin’s being committed by the people further acknowledging it was not reasonable to believe human sins can be removed by the blood of animals through animal sacrifices.
No, Christ understood His duty was to fulfill the revelation in Psalm 40: 5-8, “Blessed the man who sets his security in the LORD, who turns not to the arrogant or to those who stray after falsehood. You, yes you, O LORD, my God, have done many wondrous deeds! And in your plans for us there is none to equal you. Should I wish to declare or tell them, too many are they to recount. Sacrifice and offering you do not want; you opened my ears. Holocaust and sin-offering you do not request; so I said, “See; I come with an inscribed scroll written upon me.” We accept Jesus as the acknowledged sacrifice for sin once and for all nullifying all Old Testament sacrifices thankful Jesus understood God’s Will offering His own body for the forgiveness of sins forever. Amen.
Over the years I have listened to many a person discuss whether Jesus had brothers and sisters or was He the only child of Joseph and Mary after his birth in the Manger. My wife and I have talked about this every now-and-then and she heard an explanation once that when Jesus was dying on the Cross looking down at his mother and the Disciple John Jesus exclaims, “behold your mother,” giving Mary a designated person to watch over her for if she had other sons and daughters Jesus would not have given her His disciple as her surrogate son. Jesus was being told His brothers and sisters are waiting outside referring to the disciples in waiting as described today when referring to your brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus wanted them to know anyone who follows His Truth will be His brothers and sisters as well as your own brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today we live in Your Inheritance calling one another Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Praying for the Emmaus Team of South Carolina. Praying for Kairos Prison Ministry. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. We pray for Greg Bishop’s healing. LORD, guide us to love. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
The Body of Jesus Christ once for all– Hebrews 10:1-10
The law only shadows
The goodness of things to come
Not an image of sacrifices
Bulls blood constantly run
Never making perfect
Those who seek same
Offered continually each year
As playing a selfish game
Once cleansed from sin
Each no reason to return
But a yearly remembrance?
For blood of bulls can’t end
No sacrifices desired
Body prepared in a scroll for me
Burnt offerings no delight
I come doing Your Will to see
Neither delight or desired
The sin offerings of animal’s fall
We have been consecrated through His offering
The Body of Jesus Christ once for all
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins January 29, 2013 @ 5:06 AM EST
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