Sights strange behold eyes utters heart incoherent

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 11-20-2014

“Do not look on the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup. It goes down smoothly, but in the end it bites like a serpent, and stings like an adder. Your eyes behold strange sights, and your heart utters incoherent things; You are like one sleeping on the high seas, sprawled at the top of the mast. They struck me, but it did not pain me; they beat me, but I did not feel it. When can I get up, when can I go out and get more?” Prov23:31-35

As (Jesus) drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If this day you only knew what makes for peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 9:41-42

Proverbs 23:31-35, Revelation 5:1-10 & Luke 9:41-44

The act of drunkenness has no boundaries for the drinker hooked on the feeling of numbness raging many times to the point of oblivion not even close to seeing or recognizing their actions as detrimental to others around them. This becomes and imperceptible act of living on the edge of blackout not knowing in a moment’s notice you’ll be unconscious feeling not the wind of a sail or the beating of scoundrels and thieves. I’ve witnessed blackout in the deepest sense in my dear old dad who many times wouldn’t remember any hard-hearted act of violence he would describe or should I say yell in the middle of the night dragging by hair or swinging belts of self-described discipline uncaring and drunken separating Truth for treason in an unknowing consent.

There is no peace unless you know peace as the saying similarly goes especially in the inebriated act of self-punishment. There is moderation in peace gaining love, hope and faith requiring daily discipline in the depths of our own thoughts, actions and deeds to live surrendered to Charity’s Recovery. Charity helps the drunk see the detriment of decisions made in the desires of life encircling beings in the Breath of Christ’s reform. Each of us takes on this responsibility we when give our all to God’s grace that we must seek to return to strangers, friends and family alike. The drink gives way to celebration of grace living in moderation typifying order as a witness to the peace of Jesus! Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray again today LORD and every day to enjoy drink in sober estimation celebrating the Truth of Salvation. We pray for my son Jeff. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD from Proverbs 23:33 I chant; “Your eyes behold strange sights, and your heart utters incoherent things.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,

Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Proverbs 23 33 thru 35 Sights strange behold eyes utters heart incoherent


Sights strange behold eyes utters heart incoherent

Mast seas high ship your destination sleep of oblivion

No pain in drunkenness beatings felt no indifference

More the drunk wants when inebriation leads to delirium


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 20, 2014 6:17 AM EST

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