She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her. Wisdom 6:13

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 11-6-2011


She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her.

Wisdom 6:13


Therefore, stay awake,* for you know neither the day nor the hour. Matthew 25:13


Wisdom 6:12-16, Psalm 63, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 & Matthew 25:1-13


Last year I wrote a song titled “Why Do I” detailing my love for seeking the Truth of God through the wisdom of His Spirit. I was searching for a song to write a Brother in Christ asked me share with his youth group. Wisdom seemed to say so much to me as the joy I wanted to get across to the teenage kids of what you will always look for in life; wisdom to live and attempt to understand God’s undeniable transcript to live your life in faith, charity and love. When I learned of Andy Rooney’s death yesterday, I thought about wisdom because he empowered people to understand wisdom since he was a writer who wrote about life.


He once wrote, “Death is a distant rumor to the young.” In my eyes, wisdom is the answer a young person should be looking for by using God’s Word to guide and lead them to living a life in His Truth. We writers love to write because we love to read our own thoughts and reflect on things as Andy Rooney did to learn about God’s amazing world. God has empowered me to write for His Truth and the only way to learn more about life is to read His Word and question/ talk to Him in prayer, writing and deed. Life without prayer is death to the soul. In writing, I live in His Spirit to give life to His heart within me. In deed, I share His sweat from my thoughts, words and muscles of driven Truth. I am prepared to meet Him and long to do His Will while I’m still here. May the wisdom of God be active in my heart to live for Him. Amen.


So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to always seek Your wisdom by actively reading Your Word during the day. We pray for people to see this; read Your Word throughout the day. We pray the children of the world to seek wisdom in Your Word too. We pray for Prayer Points and my daily Bible poetry to please people for Your Glory. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


God’s Eternal Ways of Living in Him You’ll Find- Wisdom 6:12-16


Resplendent is dazzling the intellect can appear

Unfading is the wisdom a mind captured and seared

Loved and adored by the Truth you find near

Eternally guiding by the Spirit respects and fears


Our desire is made known in great anticipations wait

In the dawn you’ll see Her as undeniable fate

Sitting in the wind of God’s Eternal Mate

His Truth will open His undeniable gate


Prudence you must use in finding her worth

A vigil of learning and constant growth spurts

She seeks those who are worthy and Truthfully mind

God’s Eternal Ways of Living in Him You’ll Find


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 6, 2011 @ 4:31 AM EST

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