Universal Utterings
for December 27, 2016
Since I was at a loss how to investigate this controversy, I asked if he were willing to go to Jerusalem and there stand trial on these charges. And when Paul appealed that he be held in custody for the Emperor’s decision, I ordered him held until I could send him to Caesar.” Agrippa said to Festus, “I too should like to hear this man.” He replied, “Tomorrow you will hear him.” Acts 25:20-22
You who love the LORD, hate evil, He protects the souls of the faithful, rescues them from the hand of the wicked. Psalm 97:10
For they did not yet understand the Scripture that He had to rise from the dead. John 20:9
Acts 25:20-22, Psalm 97 & John 20:9
There is a controversy streaming worldwide where humanity seems to be at a loss of how to teach goodwill amongst the right of free will. Amen. Festus was no different unable to truly grasp the Gospels as Truth when control of others was his primary job yet internally aching just like Paul from the Spirit’s movement inside his soul wanting what he was unwilling to proclaim publically what King Agrippa would soon learn in hearing Paul speak of Jesus many the world over would come to believe centuries later.
You know one or two of them questioning if sincerity is real or the fire will only burn while fuel is being poured all over them maybe by you maybe by me but remind each even the ones you don’t know and meet in public corners no matter the locale to practice how to finish the race incorporating the Word of God into every moment of every day asking like me to be forgiven knowing I am yet always feeling unworthy. The Mystery can only be understood if lived by love, faith and hope of Charity basking in prayer by the Light of Christ receiving the Vitamin D of Destiny as the Divine proclamation of all things Eternal. Daze the will free living the “D” of Divine making life His rhyme. Amen.
Join me in prayer of forgiveness. Lord, I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive us as we forgive others. Please be with us always. We will try to sin no more calling on Your Name to avoid evil confident Your blessing will amplify our life in goodwill. We pray for the intentions of people reading or listening to us share Your Good News. We pray for each other for our leaders for family or friends sick or troubled. We pray for all intentions in the silence of your own heart. Prayers for G Labelle. Closerwalkmedia.com. IN Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Acts 25 20 thru 23
Caesar time please her
Controversy decision appealed Paul to Caesar
Trial Jerusalem refused decision Emperor afforded
Him sent to Caesar when time will please her
Wisdom heard King Agrippa would soon be rewarded
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins
December 27, 2016 @ 5:21 AM EST
® Universal Utterings is brought to you by:
God First Ministries, Inc.
A Not for Profit IRS Certified 501 (c) (3) Ministry
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Can somebody say, “Amen!
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