Refused not mercy by God who frees slaves

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 4-19-2014

Come and see the works of God, awesome in deeds before the children of Adam. Psalm 66:5

Then God said: Let there be light, and there was light. God saw that the light was good. God then separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness He called “night.” Genesis 1:3-5

Genesis 1:1–2:2, Psalm 66 & Matthew 28:1-10

The eve of Easter rising slowly above the noise and confusion confining our love for good not evil Light to lead our day that witnesses use to brighten our night’s Way. You too can see the Works of God where awesome deeds shine from Above exampled in Truth authenticated by love. Inspect with me today how the death would be enslaved in deep mourning by the faithful Disciples who denied then cried and watched as He died wondering if they’d be next scattering to reflect not knowing what to expect. Maybe cry with me today as they did so many years ago sharing love and connections to the Man who would Rise as all longed for His Might that would make everything all right.

You see Jesus didn’t Rise we will find to sweep bad boys and girls aside. No, He chose love over hate peace over war life over death forgiveness never to deny anyone the right to confess and abide. No matter night or day you find God in His rain not disdain to order life in the Light of His love. Grace is the fate we try and relate realizing our surrender to Him who died for me and for you must Rise in surrender to obedience through and through. God wants to see us reflect on our best giving not rest to selfish ways of sin less we forgo His Will ultimately ending by seizing life’s breath before ending in eternal death. You are the “works of God, awesome in deeds” before the world. Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray to live the Works of You LORD. Constant prayers for every listener’s prayer intentions request across the world. Novena prayers day two for Joseph L James. Prayers for Kairos Prison Ministry of DCI#49. Greg Bishop has our never ending prayers. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD, from Psalm 66:3 I chant, “Say to God: “How awesome Your deeds! Before Your great strength Your enemies cringe.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Refused not mercy by God who frees slaves– Psalm 66


Labeled a psalm for a song

Always the leader’s prolog

Praise glorious singing belongs

Strength cringes the enemy’s wrong


Worshipped deeds awesome works

Children of the world passes on foot

Sea became dry to save captive’s necks

Freedom led to sacrifice heard in David’s distress


God he would fear not evil cheer in a daze

Heart heard to say love Him in praise

Prayer He would hear voice he would gaze

Refused not mercy by God who frees slaves


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 19, 2014 @ 8:04 AM EST

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