Wigs Word of God Today 7-15-2013
Receive life as it is lost in His Truth of dignity, determination and denial of self.
Whoever loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My Sake will find it. Whoever receives you receives Me, and whoever receives Me receives the One who sent Me. Matthew 10:37-40
Exodus 1:8-22, Psalm 124 & Matthew 10:34–11:1
The travels of life seem to steal away days and nights without a moment’s notice denying or loving the One who gave you life. It seems difficult to accept that we must love God with everything we have even more so than the mother or father who nurtured you or the brother or sister who attended to your emergent needs or even more so the feeling of denying your own child as God willed their existence into a love we feel that could never be taken away or denied ever. I watched and listened to a distant relative give instructions on marriage vows that brought me to the tears of God’s Eternal Love wiping away the pains and hurts of sin’s stupidity. Every time I hear His Truth aloud my heart opens the gates of Spirit filled tears of love. They are as refreshing as the air from the Mountaintop of Salvation received in confession not worthy to untie His shoe.
My only sister’s marriage was simple yet invigorating as I cried listening to God’s bond uniting the needs of family inspired by God’s Truth delivered in beautiful Southern tones by my third or fourth (?) cousin from my mother’s side. How could any of us want to deny this? Family and friends gathered to celebrate Love. Here, we find the reason we love above all for in Him we can never place below the ideals, idiocracy or individualism’s of one to become the all we should never place first. “God First, all else will fall into place” distinguishes the surrender to Christ’s Salvation knowing He is the only Way to Eternal Life in Truth. Not lacking love for family but celebrating family in the Truth of God’s Word. We must lose our life together in family lifting Christ’s Cross with faith, hope and love for Charity’s abilities to receive life as it is lost in His Truth of dignity, determination and denial of self. Let’s Evangelize Jesus not deny Jesus. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to never place anything or anyone above You. Novena prayers day six for Mimi. Novena prayers day eight for Johnny my brother-in-law. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 45:3, 8 I chant- “Fair speech has graced your lips, for God has blessed you forever. You love justice and hate wrongdoing; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Christ told “they’re not worthy of Me”– Matthew 10:34–11:1
Jesus was assuredly teaching
Apostles avidly reaching
Upon earth peace many are seeking
The sword not peace He’s a greeting
Father will turn on his son
Mother her daughter she’ll shun
In-laws won’t have any sort of fun
Household will have enemies to stun
Do not love parents more than He
Christ told “they’re not worthy of Me”
Nor siblings or offspring to be
Unless My Cross guides you to see
Lose your life to instill
What you find you lose to thrill
For Christ’s Sake we must openly bill
What life we lose to find Salvation’s fill
You will be received by Me
In whoever conceives to believe
The One who sent will achieve
More than a prophet bellowing from his knees
Reward is what he does
Not by God does he live in a fuss
Righteous receives righteous to lust
Reward of the lust they cuss not trust
Give the little ones a drink
Loving roses never stink
Cold water for them in a blink
Lost not God’s reward unless you’re a fink
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins July 15, 2013 @ 12:31 PM EST
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