Purpose mine given God never spite

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 4-4-2015

Life and love You granted me, and your providence has preserved my spirit. Yet these things You have hidden in your heart; I know they are your purpose: If I should sin, you would keep a watch on me, and from my guilt you would not absolve me. Job 10:12-14

Therefore my heart is glad, my soul rejoices; my body also dwells secure, For You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your devout one see the pit. Psalm 16:9-10

For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with great tenderness I will take you back. In an outburst of wrath, for a moment I hid my face from you; But with enduring love I take pity on you, says the LORD, Your Redeemer. Isaiah 54:7-8

He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptized will be Saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:15-16

Job 10:12-14, Psalm 16:9-10, Isaiah 54:7-8 & Mark 16:15-16

Job confirms what we fail to acclaim wishing instead of praying acknowledging not His Providence by what we live, laugh and languish without accepting good deeds as a life worth living should more so be felt when leading an absolute devout life enjoying laughter as God’s all-encompassing love expression choosing not to weaken even in our darkest hours. We can live Redeemed more-so than right because He beckons us to serve Truth over temptation knowing compulsion is hard to convert into Charity.

I feel this passion of God unlike ever before when I simply pray in the Spirit and serve the God of Resurrection proving once and for all the obvious choice for Eternal Life versus living wrong not confessing in a life limited to be transient and temporary. You will find in His Forgiveness the refreshing desire to speak the Gospel in Word as much as action as people see you as the Bible loving Jesus Freak you are. Be not ashamed for those who deny Him here will be denied in Heaven as you enjoy grace Eternally. Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray to laugh as your medicine for worry. Novena prayers day three June Everett by way of Pat Summers. Novena prayers day eight for Donna B. Prayers for Kairos Prison #50. Prayers for my son Jeff. Prayers for Dr. Cruz†Peluca.  LORD from Job 10:12 I chant; “Life and love You granted me, and Your providence has preserved my spirit.” In Jesus Name. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,

Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Job Ten Twelve thru Fourteen Purpose mine given God never spite


Me granted love surrounded life

Spirit preserved providence delight

His heart hiding my life lived right?

Purpose mine given God never spite

Me watch O’LORD as I live forthright

Me absolve not if guilt is God’s plight


© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins April 4, 2015 @ 6:13 AM EST


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