Pryayers for my step-son Julian. “LORD, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the Word and my servant will be healed.” Matthew 8:8b

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 6-30-2012


Up, cry out in the night-time as each watch begins! Pour your heart out like water in Yahweh’s presence! Raise your hands to Him for the lives of your children. Lamentations 2:19a


LORD, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the Word and my servant will be healed. Matthew 8:8b


Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19, Psalm 74 & Matthew 8:5-17


The amazing life we have to live is all too fragile for in an instant someone can be severely injured struggling to stay alive after being brought back from the Netherworld for a second chance at life. Today we eagerly call out to God and Lament for the healing of my wife’s oldest son Julian who was in a severe car accident yesterday afternoon leaving him bleeding internally causing him to die and be brought back to life on the cold table of an operating room.


By the time we had heard, Julian had made his way back to life struggling to stay alive in the ICU amidst constant confusion and torment for us as parents as we frantically rushed to the hospital twenty miles away. What do you do when your child lays dying from injuries suffered in a car accident? You pray and you keep praying calling out to God on your knees with hands held high. You call every person you know to pray and see the prayer chain of God’s Truth begin to gather steam until you feel the tremble of prayers shake the very hospital bed your child struggles to live on.


You ask God to heal them while calling out to God to embrace His Will regardless of the unknown outcome. You cry. You laugh. A million thoughts shatter your brain into sights of never ending joy. A baby crawling. A son laughing. Last night I witnessed a miracle. Our child was dead yet he fights this morning opening his eyes during the night trying to talk through the tube that kept him alive. He lives this morning because of your prayers. He is in critical condition but he lives because you acted and God hears the prayers of His faithful.


Please don’t stop praying. He rests in the miracles of God above by the prayers of our worried hearts. In our practice of learning the LORD’s Truth, we must live His Will with complete confidence leaning on the ways of community in prayer to accomplish the miracles of prophesy in faith, hope and love. We must trust when the trusting is the hardest. We must pray the prayers of the faithful through open doors of critical care units to allow our children to hear the faith of our souls. Please pray with me now and often today for Julian.


Heavenly Father, we pray today for the miracles You create for our son Julian and his precious life to live as we honor You LORD. We pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the people who have been praying for Julian. LORD we thank You. We pray for Juan Menendez who I wrote the poem for today. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


The End of My Fear’s Increase- In honor of Juan Menendez


Hardest thing for my ground

Sounds easier than normally found

Trusting God in love’s proof sound

Extraordinary grace eternally abound


I wanted more to vividly see

My true identity to always be

Devil handling my choice in me

No tears of feelings to laughingly agree


I wondered where my feelings escape

My sister’s death was no escape

No change in me to literally take

I was lost in self to constantly relate


Karma is my shaken belief

Wrong will follow who seek

In right will I know to treat

God’s love will always repeat


Let go and let God to cease

Surrendered each day in heavenly peace

Christ my trust’s ordinary release

The end of my fears increase


© Thomas Cruz-Wiggins June 30, 2012 @ 4:21 àAM EST (We love You Julian!)

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