Preserved embraced understanding will always guard

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 8-10-2014

Get wisdom, get understanding! Do not forget or turn aside from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; love her, and she will safeguard you; The beginning of wisdom is: get wisdom; whatever else you get, get understanding. Proverbs 4:5-7

When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea they were terrified. “It is a ghost,” they said, and they cried out in fear. At once [Jesus] spoke to them, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter said to Him in reply, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” Matthew 14:26-28

First Kings 19:9-13, Proverbs 4:1-9, Romans 9:1-5 & Matthew 14:22-33

The confusion of life can overshadow the child/ parent talk where wisdom seems to be the fun life has given you by the instruction dear old dad or mom sought to share. Sadly, many a child today has no parent to turn to many times captivated by the electronic device held in their hands stepping further and further away from wisdom taught by anyone or any school. Wisdom we learn is more than the relationship a child has with his books it’s the day-to-day stimulation from outside forces that come at every child faster than the age of puberty or the growth of procreation.

Here, the child reacts as Peter talking to the LORD as his parent beckoning Jesus to give him courage to walk on the water where their fright turns to unacceptance when our vision is separated from God and we lose our faith falling to the depths of drowning lifted and saved again by God’s grace. What child as Peter alike has to learn is the confidence that our LORD is with us always lifting us pass the confusing words that resonate from the flash and flair of futuristic devices attached to child and adult stealing mind, body and soul of the bravery God has given us all. In the depths of our souls, we must listen and act on His Words, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.” Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray we listen to Your voice LORD. Novena prayers day six for Steve (work) and Rony (new business). Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD, from Proverbs 4:2 I chant, “Yes, excellent advice I give you; my teaching do not forsake.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Proverbs 4 1 9 Preserved embraced wisdom understanding will always guard


Understanding gained attentive instructing Father

Forsake not the teaching and advice of wisdom to further

Tender age mother darling child of father’s future

Live by Commands words fast hold heart beating faster


Father’s words aside turn not from wisdom we will get

Understanding wisdom insight safeguards her love gains

Preserved embraced wisdom understanding will always guard

Crown glorious bestowed exalted wisdom honor God of grace


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 10, 2014 7:16 AM EST

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