Today we celebrate something in America we have waited way too long to do. Maybe celebrate is the wrong word to use. Instead, let’s say we are encouraged today to pray and fast for our nation, the United States of America by the Governor of Texas Rick Perry. In his proclamation he wrote: “It seems imperative that the people of our nation should once again join together for a solemn day of prayer and fasting on behalf of our troubled nation. In times of trouble, even those who have been granted power by the people must turn to God in humility for wisdom, mercy and direction.”
Many would like to lead you to believe the U.S.A. is no longer One Nation Under God but one nation under self. Our nation is in need of a transfiguration itself much like the one Jesus underwent on the mountain before two of His Disciples. A change of heart so to speak where Americans humble themselves before the LORD and seek less instead of more. Many of us pray in the morning to establish the Will of God for the entire day but I would implore all Americans to pray every moment of every day to establish forgiveness to our God praying His Grace will once again fall on our great land.
Just as Jesus touched Peter and John to soothe them after being frightened by His Father calling out from Heaven on the mountain, so will He touch us and calm our fears by bowing to His Truth in true humility, seeking less to accomplish more for His Glory and praying unceasingly for guidance, wisdom and love. Our leaders must turn to God in a humble servitude to accomplish His Will for each and every one of us. I believe the Morning Star will rise again in own hearts by the majority of America who believe without God America will fail but with God “all things are possible.” On my knees I humble myself before the LORD in prayer this very moment asking God for healing and Truth to be etched in our hearts for all ages. Will you join me today to pray on your knees for America? Will you fast with America to accomplish more in Truth? “Selah- stop and listen.”
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today for America and seek Your great wisdom to accomplish Your Will for Humanity. We pray the Morning Star will rise in our hearts to never be afraid of sharing Your Truth. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
We Are America
We pray today for Truth
We pray today for You
We pray today to See
We pray today for Thee
We humble ourselves to show
We humble ourselves to know
We humble ourselves to fight
We humble ourselves for right
We fast today to seek
We fast today to meet
We fast today for less
We fast today more to rest
We are America
We are scared
We are seeking
We are to care
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 6, 2011 @ 6:12 AM EST
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