Wig’s Word of God Today 8-6-2012
Performing deeds of rectitude, reckoning and righteousness.
We possess the Prophetic Message that is altogether reliable. You will do well to be attentive to It, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until day dawns and the Morning Star rises in your hearts. 2nd Peter 1:19
He was Transfigured before them, and His clothes became dazzling white, such as no fuller on earth could bleach them. Mark 9:2d-3
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14, Psalm 97, Second Peter 1:16-19 & Mark 9:2-10
There is only One Way to be attentive to the Prophetic Message that rises in our minds, in our hearts and in our souls; Practice. Pray. Proclaim. Unlike me, many of the world embraced this Joy of knowing Jesus when they were just a child. When I meet the young people of today, I always pray I can be a “Lamp Shinning in a Dark Place” the secular America most kids seem to imitate in today’s world. A generation I encounter often in my travels of God’s Road of Redemption.
“The hymn we were listening to was so special, it made me cry” I overheard a teenage fast food restaurant worker say as we sat down to eat yesterday. “God has a Way of doing that,” I said a aloud as she commented how beautiful my tie is referring to the amazing picture of Jesus set against the “dazzling white” background that seems to draw smiles, comments and yes frowns from people I witness to. I believe the statement goes like this: “At all times preach the Gospel, if necessary use words.”
We all know to live this astonishing Prophetic Message we must preach aloud causing hearts to stir and bodies to take action living God’s Will to be embraced by the people around us. I think it’s imperative that we comprise a desire to meet the world of all faiths coming together in prayer and worship that sparks deeds of endless Glory for our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. When I look out across the dimensions of religions, I see the Core of God’s Divine Plan for humanity. I see the faith, hope, charity and love instilled in the heartbeat of society majority that comes from Jesus the Christ.
People are “transfigured” by the saving Mercy of Christ Jesus allowing each to experience God’s Divine calling of Grace. Many have different paths but the same roadmap growing as a baby to an adult practicing, praying and proclaiming the Word of God. We should get out and see people of the society who live for God’s Truth allowing the True Influence to captivate our minds, bodies and spirits to perform deeds of rectitude, reckoning and righteousness.
I had a chance to converse with a man who said he’s been preaching for 29 years. His church has an enormous choir stretching as a sea of “dazzling white” just as the tie I had on singing the love of the man the ties picture it proclaimed; Jesus. The church service I attended was a Candidate Empowerment Service of Bishop Victor Curry at the New Birth Baptist Church Cathedral of Faith International in North Miami. It was the first time I’ve ever heard Reverend Al Sharpton preach and his message of action, surrender and protection of Jesus Christ touched my desires to do more for the common man.
In a press conference afterwards, I asked Rev. Sharpton if he minded giving me a hug as he opened his arms allowing two Christian Soldiers to embrace in the midst of a battle so important for the future of Christian America. As I spoke to Bishop Curry, I felt his Christ-like embrace of Truth that resends all prejudices across the plains of Christ’s Redeeming Blood. I pray the LORD will use us to be His morning star to transfigure America’s future as a shining lamp in any dark place unafraid to say the Name of Jesus. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear Father God, we pray today to always be a shining lamp in the dark places proclaiming the Truth in thought, action and deed. We pray for the ministry of New Birth Baptist. We pray for Samuel Ulysses Jones III. We begin a novena of prayers for Holly the homeless pregnant woman as we seek to help place her child at birth. We pray for the intentions of Rev. Al Sharpton and Bishop Curry who I dedicate my poem to below. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Christ’s Love No Race– In honor of Bishop Victor Curry and Rev. Al Sharpton
The divide often witnessed
Humanity as truly gifted
Each their desire listed
Christ enjoined humanity lifted
Freed from all decoys
Of Satan’s sinful toys
Together we rise anointed
Our tongues double jointed
To speak God’s Truth
His Word Eternally proves
All mankind must choose
Christ’s love or lose
Together we are strong
We can overcome wrong
Lifted His Father’s face
Christ’s love no race
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 6, 2012 @ 6:13 AM EST
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