Wig’s Word of God Today 4-6-2012
It was Yahweh’s good pleasure to crush Him with pain; if He gives His life as a sin offering, He will see His offspring and prolong His life, and through Him Yahweh’s good pleasure will be done. Isaiah 52:10
During His life on earth, He offered up prayer and entreaty, with loud cries and with tears, to the One who had the Power to save Him from death, and, winning a hearing by His reverence, He learnt obedience, Son though He was, through His sufferings; when He had been perfected, He became for all who obey Him the source of Eternal Salvation. Hebrews 5:7-9
Pilate then said to Him, ‘Are you refusing to speak to me? Surely you know I have power to release You and I have power to crucify You?’ Jesus replied, ‘You would have no power over Me at all if it had not been given you from Above; that is why the man who handed Me over to you has the greater guilt.’ John 18:10-11
Isaiah 52:13–53:12, Psalm 31, Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 & John 18:1–19:42
It seems funny to call this day good when one may see it as the worst day in the world when they kill ANY innocent man. The innocence of Jesus combined with the actions of Christ as He was led to His death makes this solemn celebratory day a great day in the eyes of all believers who know His Blood Eternally wipes their sin clean offering True Eternal Living.
They courted Jesus to death seeking His life early on His Public Ministry fulfilling the Will of God as pure unadulterated fact. As He allowed the sentence to be carried out, Jesus made the Friday of Passover the greatest day God has ever given humanity. Good Friday: The day a death was recorded in history leading to a day of Resurrection recorded in history. Humanity is then given the pleasure to witness God bringing Himself back to life to prove He is the LORD of all.
He gave life where there was nothing in Mary’s womb. He brought back to life curing every sickness known to man. He suffered, died and was buried returning to life with scars intact. But we still have those who don’t believe. “That was then and this is now” makes mankind find an easy way out of taking on the responsibility of giving one’s all to the LORD of life. The power given to us from above is the Power we use to live in a pathway to God’s Eternal life of faith, hope and love.
Are we seeking this Power in everything we do? The Power to guide a person to know His Salvation. This day is a great day to share His Good Friday reward. We must learn to overcome the cautious hesitant behavior of sharing Christ’s Good News and approach those who surround us with humility, gentleness and enthusiasm for God’s offering of His One and Only Son. There becomes a keen awareness of Him in everything your life has to offer by a surrender to His Cross of Freedom. Freedom from sin of every form. Practice His Truth by reading His Word. Pray to Him for all thoughts. Proclaim for Him to all people. Let people around you know Good Friday lasts all year. Amen.
Dear Power of all, we pray to make every day a Good Friday of Christ’s Salvation celebration. We pray for the Good Friday prayer warriors at the abortion clinics worldwide. We pray for my children. We pray for families in need of Your love to escape the past of rejection, sin and spite. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Good Friday is the day of Eternal Infamy
Funny to call it good
The death innocent’s hood
Blood of freedom’s Truth
Sin ridden from ugly use
God’s Son proved timeless
Life was from Dad to do
He gives air to the departed
Resurrected the brokenhearted
From nothing came The King
Curing sickness bringing back life pristine
Affliction creating death rising Deity
Ascending to the Father’s Eternal Liberty
Good Friday is the day of Eternal Infamy
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 6, 2012 @ 5:33 AM EST
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