Wig’s Word of God Today 6-17-2012
Every kind of bird will live beneath it, every kind of winged creature will rest in the shade of its branches. Ezekiel 17:23c
And so whether at home or exiled, we make it our ambition to please Him. Second Corinthians 5:9
Once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade. Mark 4:32
Ezekiel 17:22-24, Psalm 92, Second Corinthians 5:6-10 & Mark 4:26-34
When I walk through a grocery store, I am always amazed at the amount of food we see stretched across endless rows of space. There is everything a stomach could want yet do we offer prayers of God’s grace to illuminate every farmer’s miracle of success? Today we discuss with Christ His Parable of the Mustard Seed yet isn’t He speaking of the seeds that He has charged us with to sow, water and harvest for the Kingdom of God?
We live in a world of instant demand where anything we want is available at our fingertips yet do we give thanks for the things of the world we do not see, smell or touch? Imagine if you will the seeds of the earth growing and living to full harvest without the touch of human effort. Does the sequence of growth occur without God’s Divine Hand? You are the hands and feet of God whereby you sow His Truth in everyone around you by your life of faith, hope and deed. We are the trees rooted in His Word to accomplish the sharing of His Seeds to bring forth Christ’s Salvation for the glory of God the Father.
Once it grows, other birds of paradise will find God’s strength and dwell amongst the branches we have grown to support and shade the people of the earth in our circles of family, friends and acquaintances to live for Christ’s Salvation. While we long to go home with the Father, we live in our exile of loyalty to serve with confidence displaying God’s Eternal Adoration for the humanity He created for His Purpose. “And so whether at home or exiled, we make it our ambition to please Him.” Amen.
Today, as we recognize fathers, I urge you to recognize the Father of All as the Master Grower of mankind Who strives to encourage you all in faith, charity and love. Who can you share the Seed of God’s Word with today? Who will you water with the poetry of His Truth? Who will you fertilize with God’s Only Son of Salvation? Remember, Jesus said “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” How will you be His laborer of sowing seeds, fertilizing His crops and harvesting His workers for the future of God’s Divine Plan for this amazing universe? Celebrate the Father of all in thought, action and deed and be a farmer of Christ’s Freedom. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today for all fathers but especially You Father Who are the Creator of all. We give you thanks LORD for everything! We pray today to be a farmer of faith, hope and love to spread the Seeds of Hope by the Salvation Your Son offered the world by His Death on The Cross. We pray for NJ Emmaus Team and Candidates. We pray for the NC Emmaus Team. We pray for those we effect with Christ’s Gospel of Truth. We pray our children. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
The Surrender needed to overcome the World’s Despair- Mark 4:26-34
Jesus was speaking to the crowds of needs
Comparing the Kingdom to the scattering of seeds
Though a man scatters seed knowing not how they grow
The plants shoot up in the night with leaves by day to show
The land wills fruit by Gods own accord
The blade will harvest the needs to horde
As the ear brings about the full grain to need
The harvest is plenty when the sickle reaps its feed
How can we compare the Kingdom of God
Is there a Parable for the Truth’s guiding nod
Keep in mind the mustard seed sown to bear
The smallest of seed but largest branch to spare
For the birds of the sky will come and dwell in its care
As the shade created will cool their feather’s fair
Disciples will learn the ways to eternally share
The Gospel explained to those in private to dare
The Surrender needed to overcome the World’s Despair
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 17, 2012 @ 8:27 AM EST
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