Wigs Word of God Today 4-27-2013
Enjoy today’s Study in a Podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com .
The Carolina’s Walk to Emmaus – My community of belief.
On the following Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the Word of the LORD. Acts 13:44
Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask in My Name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of Me in My Name, I will do it. John 14:12-14
Acts 13:44-52, Psalm 98 & John 14:7-14
To Jody and Tommy: Nice works! To my Emmaus Family in Christ of the Carolinas- gather “to hear the Word of the LORD” and join me in prayer: In the name of the Father Who created us, In the Name of the Son Who Redeemed us and in the Name of the Holy Ghost Who sanctifies us, we offer this moment, this day and this life He has given us to fight temptation seeking wholesome friends not fornication, Truth’s liberty not Satan’s lust to accomplish more in charity living with less.
I am sorry for anyone I have ever offended especially You LORD and I ask to be forgiven for anything I have ever done to hurt You LORD by hurting others. I know I am not perfect LORD making mistakes I pray will be erased but I humbly bow to You every second of every day to accomplish faith for my family practicing the Word of God daily sharing Your purpose to strangers of hope conditioned by prayer enveloped in Christ’s forgiven love proclaiming the Good News with joy in my heart.
The expectation turned into an experience that transformed your self-will craving His Will unsure how to do it, how to give everything to God. Today, you gather in reunion of the weekend of wow wandering how to never let it slip away- the FIRE in your heart. I know, it’s hard sometimes- you think something prettier or richer will come along. What I do on my own is okay or is it? The Walk to Emmaus is a walk we resolve for Truth’s expectation of our experience to seek and to find all God asks of each of us void of wishes finding His “works” by a love you look for in every person God has given life to.
“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in (Jesus) will do the works that (He) do(es), and will do greater ones than these.” I overheard a woman in a grocery store tell two children not more than six and eight how important it is seek the Word of God by belief in our lives. Your Walk to Emmaus is here where you stop and fellowship in public the love of God in your heart with anyone, anytime and anyplace seeking only Christ’s pleasure of faith, hope and love of charity.
You may meet as I did yesterday a young mother diagnosed with cancer who needs your prayers who was the mother of the two children her friend was pushing in a cart- please pray for Marissa. I love you all my Carolina Family. May the God of peace penetrate your purpose for His by the love you share in your practice of reading the Bible every day, praying over anything with anyone at any time and proclaiming with forgiveness in your heart being obedient to Christ’s love. Where will the Spirit lead me in Psalm for you below? I love you all. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today the works we do will proclaim the Good News of Your Son. Prayers for my Carolina Family holding their first reunion today. Will God grant me bi-location if just for the moment to share His Truth with you all and taste Tommy’s cooking. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 146:1-2 I chant- “Hallelujah! Praise the LORD, my soul; I will praise the LORD all my life, sing praise to my God while I live.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
The Carolina Walk to Emmaus is the Community of Belief
In honor of the Carolina Emmaus
Echoing call out to you all in prayer
Asking each to give a buck smile to dare
Loving the fire in your heart to share
The Walk to Emmaus of Christ’s care
May each of you know His Will to give
The charity His words and works to live
Of Christ’s freedom you enjoy as He did
The Walk to Emmaus obvious not hid
Many more blessings will come your way
Knowing graces beyond reason to always crave
Expected by the life you lead each day
The Walk to Emmaus we must never delay
Aching for Truth has calmed our fears
Creating the life with only joy in our tears
Salvation your right no matter the sneers
The Walk to Emmaus embraces your peers
Ultimately life is up to free will to conceive
Will you allow God’s Will to inject what you believe?
The freedom charity brings the soul to achieve
The Walk to Emmaus you must role up your sleeves
Sharing the Salvation Christ died for you and me
Character of obedience taught by hanging on a Tree
Dying to rise Christ rebuked human nature’s folly
The Carolina Walk to Emmaus is the community of belief
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins April 27, 2013 @ 5:37 AM EST
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