Wig’s Word of God Today 12-16-2011
Observe what is right, do what is just, for My Salvation is about to come, My justice, about to be revealed. Isaiah 56:1
These works that I perform testify on My behalf that the Father has sent Me. John 5:36b
Isaiah 56:1-3a, 6-8, Psalm 67 & John 5:33-36
Jesus always claimed the Divine Power to rule life over death as He raised the dead and explained all would enjoy Eternal Life if one would believe in His Truth. The Truth’s He spoke constantly as He gave His life to God’s Divine Plan for Humanity hanging on a Cross for all to see. John the Baptist Jesus explained was the lamp lit in the desert they were content for a while to go and see but would not believe in his work for the Father.
The work of Christ came directly from God Himself yet people wouldn’t embrace His Truth only the words of mere mortals which Jesus dismissed and described as unacceptable. There is a need in us all to be liked or accepted by our family, friends and peers but Jesus reminds us that our work is for the Glory of God Himself and we should not contend ourselves with the praise of any human being or group.
I have been trying to get puppies placed for my homeless friend Bill whose two dogs he loves with all his heart bore him a litter of six puppies. Yesterday the owners of Shiver’s Bar-B-Q who feed Bill and his two dogs often brought out the Forever Friends Rescue to help not only take the puppies but to also spay his female for free. As we gathered the puppies with Bill’s help, I stopped and prayed thanking God for sending me to do His work even in this small but important task as the puppies nervously did their business (PU) on me when I carried them to the van. When we love our love of Christ even the smallest and dirtiest jobs are such a reward for the Glory of God the Father. Amen.
By God, His Son and His Spirit we pray to always do what is right for the Glory of God the Father. We pray for Tim constantly. We pray for every child and parent. We pray for Bob and Mary Carter. We pray for each other- our families and friends. We pray for Prayer Point and the needs of the USA. We pray for Aaron Kuehne. We pray for LIFE FM and the Kid Hero’s for Faith. We pray for the Spirit to accept, bravery in God to change and intelligence of Christ’s Truth to know. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
A True Sign the Father Sent Him to Prove- John 5:33-36
John the Baptist was visited by many
Who baptized and shared his Truth
Testimony you seek from people
From mortals who proved to abuse
John was a true Light of God
Yet they basked in his Light as fools
Christ’s testimony is greater than Johns
Yet the Pharisees and Jews disapproved
His works are led by the Spirit
The Father Whose Power Christ ensued
Given to Him as testimony of His abilities
A True Sign the Father Sent Him to Prove
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 16, 2011 @ 6:10 AM EST
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