Not the Lesser of Two Evils the choice of Truth- The Only Pro Family Candidate in District 27 of Florida

Categories: Campaign Blog Archive from 2012 run for Congress,Wig's Word of God Today Scripture Discernment and Poetry Archive in Podcast Updated often

Are you deluding yourselves with tradition nullifying the Word of God by secular distortions of God’s Truth seeking to alter God’s Good News by lustful desires of the heart? Is there really a lesser of two evils? I listened to some preaching last night that drives God’s Decrees into the core of humanity’s heartbeat (4:44) as he described our responsibility of making Godly decisions as instructed by the Word of God when going to the polls.

It’s funny how we can talk about people who run for office but we can’t talk about who were going to vote for in church? Seems we’ve been changed as a society to believe what it means to separate our country’s decisions and welfare on the Word of God as no doubt our Founding Fathers and Mothers used to lay America’s Foundation with so many years ago. I think we all agree we’ve been duped by the secular desires of excess upon God’s True Expression of enjoying faith, hope and love.

This has caused some to want to give away everything for the celebration of chaos. The chaos stirred in God’s desire to live as He intended us to live by the only way we can procreate. We’re not talking about adoption that’s for sure- the core of the family as God intended drives home the message of purity. To be pure for the procreation of life and family.

We all know God didn’t intend for us to fornicate each other. God intended us to live as man and wife forever as one melting into the sheer pleasure of each other’s souls. Here true forgiveness is felt between family and friends by living the Word of God. Here true hope celebrates the joy of family in prayer instead of gossip, folly and hate. Here true love fornicates with God’s Will for your life enjoying forgiveness, friendships and favor. God’s favor.

The Will of God living in thought, Word and deed is not a lesser of two evils but the Truth God labeled through Prophets of Old. Nowhere in the Good Book does it say anyone can change God’s Word to depict their own desires.  When life begins at conception, there is no get out of responsibility card awaiting us in the Gospels or the Old Testaments of Truth. I think we can agree this was intended by God to create harmony instead if dissention.

It is our time to be heroic in our decisions just as described by the young preacher I listened to with admiration in my heart last night. He gives his life to Christ’s Anointing following God’s Word to the “T.” Last night he asked us to do the same. There were no names of endorsement just the help we need to make decisions of Truth. Choosing people who agree marriage is between a man and a woman as intended to be. We know this is Truth. We know its chaos.

We fail to follow for what? Selfish desires of a unified party or do we decide as a man or a woman to be an American of Faith first. Conscious we choose a person of faith to do what God instills all to do. Live in Truth. Do we alter Tradition for ungodly living or pray in open arms of dismay? People of faith are supposed to make decisions by crossing their “T” too. Capitalized always by Truth. Eternalized by our Trust. In Him not men not women.

So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to make decisions always by Your Truth abiding by each letter that makes Words of Harmony. We pray our decisions LORD are worthy to be placed at Your Alter. We pray the gifts we give and receive honor Your Glory. We pray for Your Grace LORD to shine upon us forming decisions of dignity and desire void of danger. We pray for forgiveness LORD promised by Your Son’s Cross. Please help make us a people who make good decisions not needing forgiveness for selfish desires. We begin a novena for Sal Defede’s healing. We pray for a dear woman I met last night whose name Mildred brought tears of grandma’s healing touches from long ago. We pray for Egon and his intentions. Jesus Christ is Risen! We pray in Christ’s Name indeed. Amen.

God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28

Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!


Not the Lesser of Two Evils the choice of Truth- In Honor of Father Biju


Do you believe we can call?

Upon His Eternal Voice of all

A nation in hopeful need

Altering God’s Truth by greed


He preached the Truth to grow

Our faith in God’s Word to know

I love my love of Him

He is a Man by God to win


Such as a man I know in cloth

He’s a man anointed by lots

Cast by soldiers who fought

To believe in God’s Truth they sought


Here he has become the doer of Truth

Sharing his faith in Christ as proof

No delusion do I see I joyfully agree

Holy hands as he consecrates for me


His name sounds like “B” and a “Jew”

Combined together to teach us a new

Growing up in the faith to become God’s Proof

The Word of God is Infallible Good News


Not the Lesser of Two Evils the choice of Truth


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins September 2, 2012 @ 6:03 AM EST

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