Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you realize that we will be judged more strictly. James 3:1

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-18-2012


Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you realize that we will be judged more strictly. James 3:1


This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him. Mark 9:7d


James 3:1-10, Psalm 12 & Mark 9:2-13


There will be times in our life when we will have trouble listening to God and following His Truth because we are weak and fall short of the goal as prescribed by Christ Jesus. I do implore that we must never lose sight of our own transfiguration of surrender to Christ’s Redemption as we live to re-share the Amazing Light that changed our life.


I can only imagine what Peter, James and John were thinking as Jesus became white as snow as they stood on the mountain watching His clothes changing before their very eyes. When God spoke to them from a cloud, they must have been totally amazed in stupendous fear. “Then a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; then from the cloud came a voice, ‘This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him.’” Mark 9:7


These men were willing to do whatever Jesus asked of them even though in the end they would deny Him to protect their own lives to fulfill the Will of God and become the Apostles of His Truth for humanity’s benefit. As a devout teacher of His Word, I pray we all never fall short of hearing His Word to guide us in practice, prayer and preaching. We must listen to God’s Son as commanded by God Himself. We will naturally shine His Light to help transfigure other’s lives to “listen to Him.”


Last year as I walked along Key Largo June 22, I came across a memorial for a Fallen Hero. Her name was Melissa Powers and her name is one I will never forget. She was a Monroe Country Sherriff Deputy killed on duty in a car accident. Her death struck me even more when I learned she had died one year to the day where I was kneeling and praying for her soul that hot summer afternoon. I prayed for her little 7-year-old girl too when I learned of Autumn. I prayed she would have the Smile of Christ to guide her and protect her. Yesterday I met her for the first time as I watched her get out of a car with that “Smile of Protection” I prayed for before lifting my heart to an eye-full of rain. I visited her mommy’s resting place memorial and marveled at the work of her grandpa with tears in my eyes. Please say a prayer for our Fallen Heroes and their families in the world.


We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to listen and follow Your Word LORD. We pray for Prayer Point today at the abortion mill praying for the babies dying there today. We continue our Novena of prayers for Robert M. in NJ. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to close abortion clinics. We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for peace for mankind. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


Melissa Powers Autumn Never Forgotten


I once prayed for a smile of protection

When I learned of her mommy going to heaven

A smile of protection to be eternally given

For the Autumn of Christy’s soul a resting


She smiled with His joy of protection

First chance meeting to pray and to listen

The sound of grandpa’s hard work granting

Peace of God’s resting in a waterfall garden


Where Melissa Powers Autumn will never be forgotten


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 18, 2012 @ 5:55 AM EST

One Response to "Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you realize that we will be judged more strictly. James 3:1"

  1. Ammamaria Posted on March 7, 2012 at 2:02 pm

    I prayed for a lot of leppoe and situations. One almost immediate response was for a man named Tom who is very ill with cancer. He was having trouble breathing and the drs. thought the cancer was going to take him soon. They did a chest x-ray and found he had an infection and put him on antibiotic therapy. He is doing much better. I have found peace with this novena. I prayed that my children would grow strong in their faith and turn their lives over to the Lord. I realize this is an on-going conversion and will unfold over the years. Thank you, St. Jude, for your faithful prayers and intercession before our Lord these past nine days and always.

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