Wig’s Word of God Today 1-12-2012
Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” Mark 1:41
1 Samuel 4:1-11, Psalm 44 & Mark 1:40-45
What a feeling to be made clean by the LORD Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! Our God has pity on humanity for He allowed His Only Son to die for the sins of you and me. Can you place the time and place you were made clean by God? Some of you may say it was years ago when I was a teenager or some of you may say it was not long ago when I found I could carry on no further without surrendering your life to God. Once you find that deep down soulistic clean, there is no turning back for the Will of God urges you to practice, pray and preach.
What a feeling it is to be made whole again by God to find His Purpose for your life. Hallelujah! He is the reason you are clean if you place His Truth in front of you daily to live for His Will. You can find the greatest joy by following His Word, praying aloud often during the day and sharing His Truth with anyone around you. Once you find yourself truly clean, you too will be like the Leper who was cleansed because you will tell everybody in your path how Jesus Christ made you whole again. The hole in your heart will be plugged with righteousness, innocence and integrity never to be lonely, abandoned or deserted again. This is what I call “Loving your Love of Christ Jesus.” Amen.
We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to be thankful every day for Jesus making us whole again. We pray for Prayer Point. Prayers for Trunk of Comfort. Praying for the Team and Candidates of this week’s Emmaus Retreat. We pray for Craig Coffield to be healed from prostrate cancer. We pray for Frank Fusco who suffered a stroke recently at the age of 90. We pray for Zirka a mother of three who has battled cancer for some time and is her final stages of life. We pray for Aaron Hazuka who passed away on Dec 29th at the age of 37. We pray for LIFE FM. I pray for my wife, children, family, and friends. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Jesus is the Way to Lose Satan’s Belt- Mark 1:40-45
A Leper kneeled at Christ’s feet
Asking for a wish to be made complete
Pity in His voice He cleaned him neat
The Lepers body became whole and concrete
The leprosy left his tired and aching body
Tell no one but offer yourself to the priest
Do as Moses prescribed wash and be whole
He went away rejoicing and singing in the streets
His miracle was hard to keep to himself
Everywhere screaming to the town how he felt
This made it impossible for Christ to enter openly
A deserted place He remained healing as He prayerfully knelt
Jesus is the Way to Lose Satan’s Belt
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins January 12, 2012 @ 6:00 AM EST
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