Mimicking the angelic states of God’s Truth. The angel of the LORD answered him: Why do you ask my name? It is wondrous. Judges 13:18

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-19-2012

Mimicking the angelic states of God’s Truth.

The angel of the LORD answered him: Why do you ask my name? It is wondrous. Judges 13:18

And the angel said to him in reply, “I am Gabriel, who stand before God. I was sent to speak to you and to announce to you this Good News. Luke 1:19

Judges 13:2-25, Psalm 71 & Luke 1:5-25

We arrive in flight from our greatest imaginations ever when we think of the Angels we dream and pray about encountering to escape rotten madness we are living or dance in God’s Will in a completely surrendered state. The Greek word angelos and the Hebrew malak refer to the term “angel” meaning “messenger.” Theologians simply refer to Angels as “God’s messengers” intriguing our lives when we hear the stories about the fallen Angel turned adversary purposely delivering mischief, mayhem and madness to as many souls as possible.

We don’t want the bad angels or evil spirits in our lives but we ache to hear what wickedness does to the lives of our family, friends and more importantly foes of our existence. We have a hard time letting go and letting God in more ways than one hindering the communion we live for God. The evil in the world is overcome by the good we live for in mimicking the angelic states of God’s Truth.

The biblical angels we read and dream about are the same angels you unknowingly serve as described by Paul in Hebrews 1:14, “Are they not all ministering spirits sent to serve, for the sake of those who are to inherit Salvation?” Is this not the real reason we live to serve God for? To inherit Salvation as angelic people of love alighting our faith, hope and love as angels of charity. You too can be an angel to companions, strangers and enemies alike in the wings of eternal harmony. If only we’d be His messenger more often we might see humanity transform more readily to angelic flights of Truth. Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to be angels of Truth. Day 7 of Julian’s Healing Surgery Novena for surgery today. Praying for Greg Bishop. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Romans 8:28 Genesis 25:23


King Abimelech agreed Yahweh has blessed you Isaac indeed– Genesis 26


Isaac stayed in Gerar as the famine ravished the place

Yahweh appeared to Isaac reminding him to stay in His face

As promised to your father your descendants will number the stars

I will be with you to assure your success by far


As his father he reported his wife was his sister

Until the king saw him touching her with her to blister

King issued a death decree to all to protect he

Isaac became rich by Yahweh’s blessing to be


The king asked him to move

He had become too rich to subdue

Once in the country side he re-dug his dad’s well

Uncovered and disputed by the herdsman to smell


First it was the well of Esek because of the dispute

Second it was the well of Rehoboth he would not refute

Yahweh appeared and said I am your God

Do not be afraid I am with you to give you the nod


King Abimelech came and agreed the LORD was with him

He asked Isaac to honor his unfailing kindness he’d been

Yahweh has blessed you Isaac indeed

May our lives together be void of greed


Esau wedded the Hittites girl

Isaac and Rebekah wasn’t assured

Disappointment to them both they say

The daughter of Beeri the Hittite’s dismay


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 19, 2012 @ 5:18 AM EST

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