Wig’s Word of God Today 12-2-2012
Blameless and holy before God as God intended humanity to be.
May the LORD make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we have for you, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our LORD Jesus. 1st Thessalonians 3:12-13a
Jeremiah 33:14-16, Psalm 25, First Thessalonians 3:12–4:2 & Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
I believe with all my heart and soul God brought His Son to the world to become sin allowing His Purpose to realign His Design with that of His original intention of being one with Him in thought, action and deed. When you become everything in worship, your life’s thoughts become wrapped in its creator called Love. When you become everything in devotion, your life’s actions are centered on God’s Divine Will. God intended us to be one with Him in charity where deed is delivered in Truth. Here we are blameless and holy before God as God intended humanity to be. The original sin is rectified and your free will given the choice of Salvation.
It’s an ugly thought that after 2000 years of knowing the answers to life’s faith, hope and love, we’d turn our backs on His Truth denying the very Blood that wiped are offenses clean. We must increase and abound in love for one another allowing our hearts to become strengthened in God’s Truth. Today I’ll be sharing how God has strengthened me to share His Truth in poetry as I share the beginning of the Bible’s notes in rhyme. I have been working on translating every page of a certain black covered Bible I found in a Goodwill a short two years ago. I began even in the notes of page one sharing the senses of every sheet hearing what they tasted, felt, smelled, and saw to abide in God’s Truth. I pray you enjoy it. May the LORD increase and bound our love together as One for His exercised right of Salvation. Amen.
Let us pray: Dear LORD, we pray today to abound in love making us One with You. We pray Greg Bishop wraps himself in You LORD. We pray for peace, good health and our own charity and deed. We pray in Christ’s Risen Name indeed. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Mark 9:37 Romans 8:28
Preface of Footnotes Explanations – Opening Page to Old Testament Start
From the General Editors Forward
Describing the text published in 1973
Footnotes of Biblical Hebrew
Forced pun in meaning to agree
Footnotes are more serviceable
Agreed in Spirit to set you free
We all know its Eternal Contents
A Testament of God’s Truth to be
The Old to the New Testament
Alphabetical listing of abbreviations too
Short hand for you to humbly garnish
The Preface of Footnotes Explanations for you
“The Pentateuch,” which rhymes with the obedience of the 7th heir of Adam Enoch
The words Old Testament listed and viable begin the first five books of the Bible on a clean white page though the Words written are undeniable and in some cases since the beginning of time turns to the page titled “The Pentateuch,” which rhymes with the obedience of the 7th heir of Adam Enoch meaning “cinco libros de Biblioteca.”
I find myself seeking to write according to His Will lifting page after page in glorious thrill seeming to find the work He desires me to glue where I am faithfully obliged to give each verse His due delivering the joys His Word does give faithfully harboring His only life to live gracefully.
A unit to seek known as the Torah to Jews maybe Greeks was the law of the day sharing God’s Truth to obey is an introduction here in the five books of Moses’ sainthood life carried around on paper to delight were in scrolls at first if you understand the rolled up parchment of grey allowing many to carry and display as they pray to God in the Synagogue each day.
Many may say that it was Moses who played with the scripts of the day but some may argue it is unsure to pay according to hear say giving us faith to abide and knows each Word was given by God to man essentially seeking a place to stand and proclaim the Glory of God the Father the I AM.
Here Yahweh comes to Light and the Name becomes the Right for all mankind to live in a Testament of His Truth abiding to give a priestly tradition to understand and know the moral tradition as proof prescribing morals of each to follow and use even though the story’s author may be contested at best while mankind lives the laws according to His Test.
So here we go giving its religious and humanitarian significance to be there’s only One Yahweh to see in your life of joy eternally by the Promise, the Covenant and the Law given to us at it’s best degree lasting until Christ will come to Redeem you and me. Amen.
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 2, 2012 @ 5:09 AM EST
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