Living in His Favor? “He has made known to us the mystery of His will in accord with His favor that He set forth in Him.” Ephesians 3:9

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 7-15-2012

Living in His Favor?

He has made known to us the mystery of His will in accord with His favor that He set forth in Him. Ephesians 3:9

So they went off and preached repentance. Mark 6:12

Amos 7:12-15, Psalm 85, Ephesians 1:3-14 & Mark 6:7-13

I believe we live our life in favor when we surrender our desires to Christ’s favor of life. It is an unexplainable mystery that overwhelmingly increases our heart rate of repentance sharing the Redemption set forth in Him. The Purpose of life is to live His Mystery by practice, prayer and preaching bringing souls to know His Eternal Promise of Everlasting Life of forgiveness. When we learn to follow Christ’s Instructions, we go off in search of people to preach repentance by our desires to live according to His Will.

You learn to place the other person first as we seek to provide the eyes, thoughts and actions of Jesus Himself. In brevity, we have learned to read His Word together forming a prayerful relationship that Glorifies God on all things. I recently wrote a poem for a man I know places God First in all he does. The poem is the longest poem I’ve ever written for a witness I’ve had the pleasure to grow from. I close in brevity to share the love of God Steve Barile has for his life. May we all live by Christ’s Mystery of Salvation and preach repentance to the world. Amen.

So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to live Christ’s mystery of Redemption giving us strength to preach the Gospel to the world. We pray for Julian’s continued miracle recovery. We pray for Steve Barile and the treats he makes in God’s delicious friendship. Thanks Steve for the prayers and the Gator box. We pray for wisdom to share healing with the world. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Philippians 4:4-7

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


His love at any distance- In honor of Steve Barile- South Jersey


Symbol of the retreat

Strong yet fragile as proof

Thorns of protection guarding

Lives that are agile yet loose


For the seeds of faith may seem

From parental love anew

A unique identity granted

No separation of God’s Truth I do


Pot of the rose our world

No matter where we live to be

Soil of Truth holding our lives

The roots of God to seed


While pretty in color to witness

Thorns that protect our faith

The leaves will nurture protection

The base of Truth to taste


My gift is a family of blessing

One of three children who grew

Both parents married for life

56 years they taught the Truth


Running away from the guy in the mirror

I ran to Florida to find

A brick wall God constructed

Indulging in sin I was blind


Off to Haiti to see the mountain

Port-A-Prince I heard the Mount

The Sermon of Christ I learned

People in need I could count


A second mission to Haiti

A church was upon a hill

The rear crumbling in ruins

Not the seminary would be my thrill


Off to St John I was called

A new job was calling me from the rock

God teaching me fasting and praying

Dependent on God to flock


Walt Disney called me to Orlando

Was God calling me to seek?

The priesthood for love of learning

Off to the NE to heal the feat


My father’s vineyard called me home

I reconciled some vast differences

I found new friends to know

My life came full circle to grow


I met the women of my dreams

I would have to answer from a bubby

A widowed Jew who grew into my wife of concentration

The Pasty Prince who knew her lovely


Joy taught me how to love

Joy taught me how to share

Change was hard to view

Thank you Jesus in Truth I care


Joy’s final journey home

The last rose with many thorns

Cut from her illness and dying

A real person of love was born


Soul mates intertwined forever in death

To my Emmaus seeking forgiveness

The Emmaus Community of mine

God’s love forever my witness


God’s rose made me whole to find

His love at any distance


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins July 15, 2012 @ 6:37 AM EST

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