Wig’s Word of God Today 8-15-2012
Julian’s Homecoming Mass of Healing and Thanksgiving “
To play on musical instruments, harps, lyres, and cymbals to make a loud sound of rejoicing. 1 Chronicles 15:16
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
While He was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to Him, “Blessed is the womb that carried You and the breasts at which you nursed.” He replied, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it.” Luke 11:27-28
1 Chronicles 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2, Psalm 132, 1 Corinthians 15:54b-58 & Luke 11:27-28
When you believe the LORD your God will hear your prayers, you will play joyful spiritual music rejoicing “always fully devoted to the work of the LORD, knowing that in the LORD your labor is not in vain.” Jesus reminds us today that “blessed are those who hear the Word of God and observe it” living their life in the Name of the Father Who created you, in the Name of Son Who Redeems you and in the Name of the Holy Spirit Who Sanctifies you. This is the statement we automatically say each morning when my wife and I awake together each day saying aloud to one another in unison, “Good Morning beautiful/handsome I love you.”
Today we celebrate the homecoming and rebirth of our 22-year-old son Julian who a short 47 days ago rolled a Ford Explorer doing a mere 30 MPH as he tried to avoid a car that pulled out in front of him. In an instant his life changed forever as he was ejected from the vehicle being rolled over by the truck crushing every rib on his right side minus one fracturing his face and clavicle exploding his spleen inside his stomach cavity causing him to bleed excessively internally.
In the 30 minutes it took to get an ambulance there to take him to an awaiting Life Flight to Kendall Regional Trauma Center 30 miles away, he bled out his entire body’s blood capacity sending him into cardiac arrest upon his arrival to the Trauma Center. Yes, he was dead but revived by the juice of electricity sparking his rebirth and a life changed forever. After his surgery to remove his spleen, we found him in an ICU room being worked on by a team of nurses and doctors as we arrived that fateful early evening where his mother and I got down on our knees raising our arms high above our heads praying the LORD would heal our child as we repeated “Your Will LORD not ours be done” over and over and over.
We call out to God constantly in our lives expecting God’s Will to lead our every step in our practice of reading our Bible, in prayer over everything we seek to accomplish and in proclamation in sharing the Gospel of Christ Jesus to anyone, anytime and anywhere each and every day. Many a night while we assumed Julian’s Healing Watch in the ICU we would share prayer with unknown mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles as well as friends and neighbors of people who had family members that were in serious medical conditions or possibility the death of a loved one. We encouraged each one to be faithful to God’s Will celebrating the life of each loved one no matter the outcome for in tragedy we find reasons for renewed spirit. We are faithful to the Word of God and we know God answers the prayers of His Faithful if only we’d take the time to live His Will and not our own.
Today we celebrate this “Promise” by God to hear the prayers of the faithful as He did ours and yours in the miraculous healing of Julian as he walks out of a rehabilitation center on his own by the Power and Strength of God almighty. We will celebrate his rebirth in a Mass tonight at 7 PM at Sacred Heart Church in Homestead. While Julian isn’t strong enough to have a homecoming party after the Mass, he will be there God willing to show his appreciation for the prayers each of you have said for his healing as well as showing reverence for the One and Only God Who can do all things. Again, we thank each of you for your prayers and hope to see you there tonight.
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to call out to you in song and prayer to live Your Truth. We pray for the healing of Joe Tomlinson, Teri Gutierrez, Norma, and Barbara Burris. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
The Healing of Life in Christ to Adore- In honor of Julian’s Homecoming
Today we rejoice in You
Nothing can make us undue
The love we have for Your Truth
A son healed from prayers as proof
His body is aching
His heart is beating
His lungs are breathing
His life from Your making
To celebrate in Honor
We adore You Father
As Christ adored His mother
Thank you for healing our brother
Our son who has been transformed
From love of prayer we adorn
Finding love never to ignore
Julian’s Healing Watch to implore
The Healing of Life in Christ to Adore
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 15, 2012 @ 6:47 AM EST
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