Wig’s Word of God Today 4-28-2012
Building themselves up and living in the fear of the LORD; encouraged by the Holy Spirit, they continued to grow. Acts 9:31c
They turned to the LORD! Acts 9:35b
Many came to believe in the LORD! Acts 9:42b
It is the Spirit that gives Life, the flesh has nothing to offer. The Words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life. John 6:63
Acts 9:31-43, Psalm 116 & John 6:60-69
I am amazed at the work the Holy Spirit can do in those who believe with every ounce of their soul that Jesus Christ has risen to the Father leaving us the Spirit of Truth to guide us and to grow. The Disciples lived a life of practice, prayer and preaching that gives us 2000 years later the Mortar to build ourselves a life of faith, hope and love. God’s Word is a Mud that sticks to the very being of Your identity giving off a described strength of Truth. There is nothing that can change It.
God’s Holy Spirit is the tingling sensation that rises from your beings depth to the heights of continual cultivated surrender. I am at peace knowing what God intends for me to accomplish for His Purpose striving to build up God’s Kingdom for His Glory. Just as Peter healed Aeneas at Lydda and restored Tabitha to Life in Joppa, we too can restore the life of a lost soul and be the instrument God is using to grant conversion of heart, mind and soul. There is a beauty in seeing anyone who comes to believe in the LORD but there is a special beauty to witness the younger generation live their life in God.
I pray the children of today become the leaders of tomorrow who recognize flesh, self and sin are separators of God’s Spirit. Life does not live in sin for the Spirit of Truth cannot defend its vulgarity. Spirit lives in Life from the Veracity of a Trinity at work. The Father of all gave us His Son of Forgiveness to inspire a Life in the Spirit. When you embrace this Surrender in your life, the Spirit of Truth will set you free. Let us pray our children will grow in this Light of Certainty and bring many more generations to turn to the LORD and believe. Amen.
Dear LORD, we pray to always live in fear of You LORD sharing a life in the Spirit of Truth. We pray for my children. We thank you LORD for personal intentions answered. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
The Holy One of God gave Words of eternal Life that Day- John 6:60-69
The Bread of Life seemed hard to swallow
Let alone still believe in surrender to follow
To accept this challenge would be hard to borrow
For those whose life is lived in begotten sorrow
Jesus knew their heart and asked if it shocked
Their faith into knowing the Truth of His future Rock
Of Eternal Life in Word that guided His Flock
To the Door in Heaven to Eternally knock
The Spirit gives us life to live in His Accord
The Rules established that humanity can all afford
Nothing available in flesh that remedy’s the score
Death offered in hell for a life in sin regrettable to adore
His Father will invite the sinner to know His Way
Not leaving the Truth but surrendered to forever stay
The Twelve did go even the one who would betray
The Holy One of God gave Words of eternal Life that Day
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 28, 2012 @ 5:52 AM EST
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