Wigs Word of God Today 9-7-2013
You who once were alienated and hostile in mind because of evil deeds He has now reconciled in His fleshly body through His death, to present you holy, without blemish, and irreproachable before Him, provided that you persevere in the faith, firmly grounded, stable, and not shifting from the hope of the Gospel that you heard, which has been preached to every creature under heaven. Colossians 1:21-23
Colossians 1:21-23, Psalm 54 & Luke 6:1-5
Looking back over your existence you’ll begin to see the times you too were hostile in your life towards others thinking not of the needs of anyone but yourself. You watched strangers walk by you hungry and confused moreover mumbling to themselves frightening you in most cases. They were confused by lack of nutrition and proper rest aching to be held and in most cases more scared and admittingly so embarrassed by the lost life they live searching for something unsure how or where to find the Truth of faith, hope and love in charity. Someone like you or me will walk up to them and offer them a meal or a handshake that just might change their life forever ending a mindless search to a shifting not from the Gospel they will hear from your lips but in most cases simply from your action to say “come break bread with me.”
I met him last night as I was traveling to have dinner with me wife at a local bar-b-que He was walking dazed hand up in his face to block the sun no more than five and half feet tall seemingly tanned from a distance but filthy up close. He walked by the restaurant and I got up and headed out to him. Calling out he stopped and smiled flashing the pain of lost teeth carrying a red backpack as big as himself. His name is Jason and I offered him a meal and to sit with us for supper as my daddy likes to say in Georgia. I told him to go in and wash up as we walked inside causing a stir in the restaurant that surely could be described as fright from wait staff, customers and the owner enough so that she ask him to go outside and she’d bring his meal in a jiffy.
Jason happily agreed seeming uncomfortable in the surroundings but not before we both washed up and spent time in the bathroom in conversation and prayer closing in a hug I could feel as Christ Himself. Jason reminded me of the new pastor who donned dirty ripped clothes, bearded and no shoes who went to his new church unknown to entice a reaction where charity was lost in the fright of survival. My meal seemed tasteless as I watched Jason walk out with a bag and sweet tea in hand. Sure, I got him a free meal but I missed something in the rubbing of elbows at a dinner table of faith, hope and love of charity. Alas, I will persevere in faith encouraging the encounter as much as the evangelization that needs to take place. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray we are reconciled to You LORD in the actions we cause by our love of You . Praying for you Jason. Novena prayers day four for Nadege Robergeau in Haiti. Novena prayers day eight for Sabina Romero. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 72:12-13, I chant- “For He rescues the poor when they cry out, the oppressed who have no one to help. He shows pity to the needy and the poor and saves the lives of the poor.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Irreproachable Son– Colossians 1:21-23
Alienated mind
Hostile deeds
Reconciled life
God breeds
Body fleshly
Saved you
Christ’s death
Truth pursue
Holy blemish
Without sin
Irreproachable Son
Gospel begins
Heard aloud
Face-to-face preach
Creature every
Minister teach
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins September 7, 2013 @ 5:17 AM EST
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