If you do not believe Me when I speak to you about earthly things, how will you believe Me when I speak to you about heavenly things? John 3:12

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 4-17-2012


If you do not believe Me when I speak to you about earthly things, how will you believe Me when I speak to you about heavenly things? John 3:12


As Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up so that everyone who believes may have Eternal Life in Him. John 3:14-15


Acts 4:32-37, Psalm 93 & John 3:7-15


To be Born Again seems hard to understand unless you have faith God is leading humanity by His Amazing Grace in Jesus Christ. You are born anew in a life of Truth surrounded by wolves that neither destroys your cleanliness or averts your surrender because the Eternal Life given to those believers outweighs any threat or treasure imaginable to man. There can never be a reason why we compromise God’s Word for the sake of protection, convenience or luxury.


The life of a believer in Jesus Christ is Born Again to live as the Truth in His Word guides us with faith, hope/charity and love for every human alive. Jesus knew He had to be lifted up on a Cross just as Moses lifted up a snake in the desert to find healing and life after being bitten by a serpent in the desert. When they lifted up Jesus on our Redemption’s Cross, they fulfilled every written prophesy about the Savior of the world coming to cleanse humanity from sin. We are all recipients of this Redemption as well as being Born Again to live a life anew in His Truth. Amen.


Dear LORD, we pray to always believe in Your Son’s Gospel to live in faith, hope and love. We seek Your guidance LORD in practice, prayer and deed. We pray for Jemma Peterson’s recovery and peace. We pray LORD all petitions are gathered to make the ballot. We pray for my children. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


You are Born Again to Eternal Life and Much Much More-John 3:7-15


No surprise in being born again

The life of the Spirit renews your grin

Just as the wind blows where it will to blend

You too will be guided in new birth to win


Nicodemus could not understand

How can that be came his official stand

As a teacher Jesus said you should command

The Truth in Israel to prove God is grand


What we may know and see is what people believe

Hard to conceive the wind passing by the tree

Unless you see the leaves blow hard back and forth

The big star in the sky guides us to True North


Still people will reject your evidence as nil

Even when Truth guides them up a large hill

For if they can’t comprehend the earthly things as thrill

How can they believe heavenly things to consciously bill


Only the Son of Man came down from heaven to adore

He was lifted up on a Cross to equal heaven’s score

If you see His Cross in dream to come ashore

You are Born Again to Eternal Life and Much Much More


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 16, 2012 @ 6:07 AM EST

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