Wig’s Word of God Today 5-3-2012
In all Truth I tell you, whoever believes in Me will perform the same works as I do Myself, and will perform even greater works, because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in My Name I will do, so that the Father may be Glorified in the Son. If you ask Me anything in My Name, I will do it. John 14: 12-14
First Corinthians 15:1-8, Psalm 19 & John 14:6-14
We continue our thoughts today on the Law of Attraction as Jesus explains His Way of seeking the Father’s Glory allows even you and me to find success as a common follower of His Truth. “Whoever believes in Me will perform the same works as I do Myself” is your directive to ask and believe in His grace to find the same ability of success by believing you are living your life for God and not yourself.
You must abandon seeking things for selfish reasons and find only His Purpose for your life in everything you do. I know, it seems hard to do but when you consciously ask for anything in the Name above all names, you will find God’s law of Attraction at work by just believing. It’s rather simple once you find the joy of seeking not your own will but the Will of God by doing the things He Commands us to in practice, prayer and preaching.
Before opening your Bible simply say a prayer of asking Jesus to open your mind, heart and soul in the practice you undertake each day and see the Scriptures as you never have before. When praying, begin by a prayer of thanksgiving for giving you a mind, heart and soul of living for God’s Glory and tell God in your prayer that everything you ask for in His Son’s Precious Name to Glorify God’s Truth. Then begin visualizing your request with Jesus standing with you near it. I don’t care what it is just see Jesus helping you to obtain it and use it for God’s Glory.
Finally, in your sharing of the Good News, do it by asking Jesus to lead you so everything you say comes from the Holy Spirit seeing His Truth as the answer to anyone’s problems or requests. Practice, pray and preach in His Name to attract His Grace of Goodness. Make it a habit to live for Christ in a true surrender to believe and conceive all you desire by trusting you deserve it and then act upon it in living the Three P’s of God’s gift of life. Amen.
Dear Father, we pray to live a life of faith by asking in the Name of Your Son, Christ Jesus, for everything we live for to Glorify You LORD. We pray today that everyone in the United States uses this National Day of Prayer to pray all people use their civic responsibility to Glorify You LORD and get involved with the direction our country needs to live for Your Truth. We pray for my children. Prayer of thanksgiving for Your Soldier in Christ John Lobo. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
God Bless America On our National Day of Prayer
God Bless America
Her right to live for You
The LORD above gives her strength
The people give You your due
God Bless America
On our National Day of Prayer
We live to conquer fear
The Gospel of Christ we share
God Bless America
Home of the brave and the free
Guided by His Truth in Word
Allowing Americans to be all they can be
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins May 3, 2012 @ 6:13 AM EST
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