Wig’s Word of God Today 10-25-2011
If we hope for what we do not see, we wait with endurance.
Romans 8:25
Romans 8:18-25, Psalm 126 & Luke 13:18-21
The sufferings of the present life can be endured by the destiny you receive in sharing the glory with Christ in the end. Paul expressed this destiny by connecting it to a future that belongs to all believers. Anyone who lives a life in sin will share in its penalty, but more importantly those who walk in faith and repent will be liberated by Christ’s Redemption and will share in His Glory before God Almighty. Paul tells mankind to be patient living life with endurance and steadfast expectation relying not on your own accord only the realization of the Spirit working within you. Our God promises we will enjoy the first fruits, i.e., the Spirit, as a guarantee of the total liberation of their bodies from the influence of the rebellious old self. Thus, we hope in what we do not see while waiting with true endurance for the Kingdom of God to open its doors by our virtuous living.
Jesus used in the two parables of a mustard seed and yeast to illustrate the future proportions of the Kingdom of God that will result from a very small beginning of men who took His Truth and Healing and shared it with the world. The growth of God’s Truth by His Son’s healing ministry on earth came to maturity in countless people who dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven above and lived life in true patient righteous living for the Glory of God the Father. It’s amazing to look back and see over the last 2000 years what Jesus has done for humanity. Many of us have given our life to His Truth to bring His Salvation to the people of our life by living God’s Will. The joy of loving your love of Christ comes into clear focus when you meet and share Christ’s Gospel with a person who in turn accepts Jesus as the personal Savior. A cause for celebration and hope for our future. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to live in endurance for by the First Fruit of Your Kingdom. We pray the Holy Spirit guides us to the lost souls seeking Your Truth in virtuous living. We pray for my friend Tim. We pray for the children of the world. We pray these things in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Nothing Compares to the Kingdom of Heaven- Luke 13:18-21
The Parable of a Mustard Seed and Yeast
Where does the Father dwell?
What is His Kingdom like?
Does anything compare?
Is it worth living for its right?
He said it was like a mustard seed
Planted by a man in a garden
Fully grown the large bush it shared
The branches for those He pardoned
In likeness He compared His Kingdom
To the yeast used by a woman
Mixed with wheat flour for bread
Humanity’s forgiveness was leavened
Nothing Compares to the Kingdom of Heaven
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins October 25, 2011 @ 5:00 AM EST
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