Wig’s Word of God Today 5-2-2012
The Word of God continued to spread and to gain followers. Acts 12:24
If anyone hears My Words and does not keep them faithfully, it is not I who shall judge such a person, since I have come not to judge the world, but to save the world: anyone who rejects Me and refuses My Words has his judge already: the Word itself that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day. John 12:47-48
Acts 12:24–13:5, Psalm 67 & John 12:44-50
Does anyone understand the Law of Attraction? The belief that if you manifest it in your mind your body will design by faith in asking God to receive the thought, believing you can accomplish the manifestation and ultimately receive the manifestation after your unwavering commitment to accomplish your desired result. The Word of God was spread by this same belief accomplished by just a handful of men who believed with all their heart and soul that God brought Himself to the world as Savior through a Son He had born of Virgin who believed.
We all have this same belief in our minds that we can create God’s graces by using the Law of Attraction for our commitment to faith in God, His Son and the Holy Spirit allowing our lives to be manifested in His Truth. I use it everyday thinking positive thoughts of His Truth in each step I take for I take the Words of Christ to heart when He said in John 12:48, “anyone who rejects Me and refuses My Words has his judge already: the Word itself that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day.” To me the Law of Attraction is finding Eternal Life in everything you do living in an attracted state of faith, hope/charity and love.
Today begin visualizing that you deserve the graces of God and trust with an unwavering commitment that God will manifest your true desires of your heart. When you visualize God’s Plan for your life, begin placing things that encourage your commitment such as a Bible that sits near you as you work where you can reach out and touch the Bible often. Or use signs of different Godly passions such as I use on my desk as I write where I have a Holy Spirit sign that reads: “Spirit” and written in the words are “Holy Spirit hear me, lead me and guide me.”
In brevity I hope to share how the Law of Attraction works just as a simple sign that hangs above me that reads: “Believe- When a believing person prays, great things happen.” Attract God in everything you do by your faith in practice of reading your Bible often during the day, your hope in prayer of believing you deserve God’s graces and your voice in proclaiming His Truth to receive the joy of God’s rewards. Amen.
Dear God, we pray to use Your Law of Attraction as our guide in faith, hope and love. We pray for my children. We pray the Pathaks use Your Truth to attract Your grace LORD. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
I say as the Father told me to pray- John 12:44-50
The LORD of Truth cried out often
Asking humanity to listen and hear
His Truth to abundantly guide you
Or follow Satan to find hell to fear
If you believe in Me Christ said aloud
You believe in not only Me but the Father proud
He Who sent Me may rest in a cloud
But resides in everything as a Light is loud
For Jesus came into the world as a Light
To find in darkness to illuminate His Right
Observing My Words as a Creed to follow
Not finding sin in My Words to swallow
Jesus will not condemn for the world is His to save
Whoever rejects His Truth will burn in hell to rave
The Words He spoke will judge at humanity’s grave
Not spoke on His own but by the Father Who gave
He commanded Me what to say
He gave me the Light I proclaim each day
He offers by Me Eternal Life to gain
I say as the Father told me to pray
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins May 2, 2012 @ 4:44 AM EST
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